Karbasan Retard

Karbasan Retard: An effective anticonvulsant

Karbasan Retard, also known by the international name Carbamazepine, is a pharmacological drug produced in Germany by Sanofi Winthrop Industry. It belongs to a group of anticonvulsants known as iminostilbenes. Karbasan Retard is a tablet containing 400 mg of the active substance - carbamazepine.

The drug has a wide range of applications. It is effective in the treatment of epilepsy (with the exception of petit mal), manic states and the prevention of manic-depressive disorders. In addition, it can be used to alleviate symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, treat trigeminal and glossopharyngeal neuralgia, and diabetic neuropathy.

However, before using Karbasan Retard, it is necessary to take into account some contraindications. The drug is not recommended for use in cases of hypersensitivity to carbamazepine, atrioventricular block, a history of myelosuppression or acute porphyria, or in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Like other medicines, Karbasan Retard may have side effects. Dizziness, headache, hallucinations, agitation, depression, aggressive behavior, activation of psychosis, visual and speech disturbances, abnormal involuntary movements, atrioventricular block, hepatic disorders, nausea, vomiting, sexual dysfunction and other reactions are possible.

It is important to remember about possible interactions of Karbasan Retard with other drugs. For example, it is incompatible with monoamine oxidase inhibitors. In addition, it may enhance the hepatotoxicity of isoniazid and reduce the effectiveness of anticoagulants, anticonvulsants, barbiturates, clonazepam, primidone and valproic acid.

In case of an overdose of Karbasan Retard, various symptoms may occur, such as disorientation, hallucinations, coma, drowsiness, blurred vision, convulsions, hypertension and other manifestations. If you suspect an overdose, you should immediately seek medical help.

Before starting and during treatment with Carbasalate Retard, it is recommended to carry out regular blood tests to monitor the level of Carbasalate Retard: A Gastroprotective Medication

Carbasalate Retard, also known as Carbasalate Calcium, is a pharmacological agent that is used as a gastroprotective medication. It is a delayed-release tablet that contains 600 mg of carbasalate calcium as the active ingredient. Carbasalate Retard is designed to protect the stomach lining and reduce the risk of gastric ulcers.

Carbasalate Retard works by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins, which are chemicals that contribute to inflammation and the formation of ulcers. By reducing the production of prostaglandins, Carbasalate Retard helps to prevent the development of gastric ulcers and promote the healing of existing ulcers.

This medication is commonly used in the treatment and prevention of gastric ulcers caused by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen. It is often prescribed to individuals who require long-term NSAID therapy but are at a higher risk of developing gastric ulcers, such as those with a history of ulcers or gastrointestinal bleeding.

Carbasalate Retard is usually taken once daily with food. The delayed-release formulation of the medication helps to ensure that the active ingredient is released gradually in the stomach, providing prolonged protection to the gastric mucosa.

Like any medication, Carbasalate Retard may cause side effects in some individuals. Common side effects include gastrointestinal symptoms such as indigestion, nausea, and diarrhea. In rare cases, more serious side effects such as allergic reactions or bleeding may occur. If you experience any concerning side effects while taking Carbasalate Retard, it is important to seek medical attention.

It is worth noting that Carbasalate Retard may interact with other medications. It is important to inform your healthcare provider about all the medications you are taking, including over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements, to avoid potential interactions.

In conclusion, Carbasalate Retard is a gastroprotective medication used to prevent and treat gastric ulcers caused by NSAIDs. It works by reducing the production of prostaglandins, thereby reducing inflammation and promoting the healing of ulcers. As with any medication, it is important to use Carbasalate Retard as prescribed and consult your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or experience any side effects.