
Cardiodynamology is a method for determining the motor function of the heart, consisting of dynamic auscultation and subsequent digital processing of the main heart sound. Using this method, the patient’s movements of the wall of the cardiac cavities of the left ventricle and atrium, which are caused by heart contractions, are recorded.

This diagnostic method has two fundamental meanings. Firstly, it allows you to determine the presence of heart pathology, for example, shortness of breath. Auscultation is performed on the left side of the chest in different places.

Another method of cardiac dynamic cardiography is used to study the activity of the left and right ventricles. This study is contraindicated for people suffering from arrhythmia and mitral valve insufficiency. The optimal age of the patient is 50 years and older, as well as children under ten years of age. The following may also be contraindicated: * severe diseases of the cardiovascular system; * severe cardiac pathology; * absence