
Cardiokinetography is a medical technology that is used to measure and analyze human exercise. It involves using special equipment to record changes in heart rate during physical activity.

Cardiokinetography can be used to assess a person’s physical fitness and health, as well as to diagnose various diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system. With its help, you can determine the intensity and duration of physical activity, as well as evaluate the effectiveness of treatment of relevant diseases.

One of the main advantages of cardiokinetography is its accuracy and reliability of results. The results obtained using cardiokinetography can be comparable to the results obtained by traditional diagnostic methods such as electrocardiography or echocardiography. This allows doctors and athletes to obtain more accurate and objective results.

In addition, cardiokinetography can be used to determine individual maximum permissible loads on the heart. Thus, it can be an important tool for those who exercise or have cardiovascular conditions such as hypertension or arrhythmia.