
Cardonite: an effective remedy for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Cardonite is a drug from the group of antianginal drugs used for the treatment and prevention of various cardiovascular diseases. It contains the active substance, isosorbide dinitrate, and is produced in Poland by the Warsaw pharmaceutical plant Polfa.

The international name of the drug is Isosorbide dinitrate. It is also known by various synonyms, including Aerosonit, Dinit, Dinitrosorbilong, Ditrate, Iso Mac, Iso Mac retard, Izodinit, Izocard 20, Izocard 40, Isoket, Izolong, Izosorb retard, Isosorbide dinitrate retard, ISDN, Cardiket, Cardix, Cardicap, Cardiogard SR, Nisoperkuten, Nitrosorbide and Nitrosorbide-N.

Cardonite is available in tablets of various strengths: 40 mg, 60 mg and 80 mg. It is effectively used to treat conditions such as angina pectoris (relief and prevention of attacks), acute myocardial infarction, acute left ventricular failure, hypertension and congestive heart failure.

Like any other medical drug, Cardonit has contraindications for use. It is not recommended for hypersensitivity to its components, anemia, cerebral hemorrhages or recent head trauma, glaucoma, hyperthyroidism, hypotension, pregnancy, lactation (breastfeeding should be suspended if necessary) and in children.

Side effects may occur when using Cardonite, including flushing of the face and neck, headache, nausea, vomiting, orthostatic hypotension, restlessness and tachycardia.

It is important to consider possible interactions of Cardonite with other drugs. Antihypertensive agents such as calcium channel blockers and other vasodilators, tricyclic antidepressants and alcohol may enhance the hypotensive effect of Cardonite, while sympathomimetics may reduce its antianginal effect.

In case of an overdose of Cardonite, symptoms such as cyanosis of the lips and nails, severe dizziness or fainting, a feeling of pressure in the head, weakness, shortness of breath, weak and rapid heartbeat may occur. In case of overdose, seek medical attention.

Cardonite is an effective treatment for cardiovascular diseases, but its use should be under medical supervision. Do not self-medicate or change the dosage without consulting a healthcare professional.