Carfecillin Sodium Salt

Carfecillin sodium salt: description, application and features

Carfecillin sodium salt is an antibiotic of the penicillin group, which is used to combat various infectious diseases. It is used to treat respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, skin infections, and other infections caused by bacteria that are sensitive to this drug.

The international name of this drug is carfecillin. It belongs to the group of semisynthetic penicillins, which are more resistant to peptidases than natural penicillins.

Carfecillin sodium salt is produced in powder form for the preparation of a solution for injection. It can be used in inpatient settings and for outpatient treatment.

The use of carfecillin sodium salt should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor. The dosage and duration of the course depend on the type of infection, its severity and other factors. Typically, carfecillin is prescribed in a dose of 1-2 grams per day, which must be divided into several doses throughout the day.

Carfecillin sodium salt, like other antibiotics, can cause side effects. Some can be serious, such as allergic reactions, angioedema, anaplaxia and anaphylactic shock. Therefore, before using the drug, you must consult your doctor and follow all recommendations for use and dosage.

In conclusion, we can say that carfecillin sodium salt is an effective antibiotic that can be used to treat various infections. However, its use should only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor, and if side effects occur, you should consult a specialist.