Proximal Tooth Caries

Dental caries, or oral problems, are so common among people because not enough attention is paid to proper oral hygiene and protection from external factors that can lead to the problem. This article will talk about this type of caries, proximal caries.

Proximal caries is the caries that is located at the very roots of the tooth or near the transition of the enamel to the root. This type of caries is the most insidious and therefore requires a special approach. The main problem is due to the abrasion of the enamel, which is necessary to fully restore the integrity of the filling. Enamel is a layer of dental tissue located on the front of the tooth and protects the tooth surface from mechanical stress. If the enamel wears below its level in relation to the crown, this makes it vulnerable and leads to the development of this type of caries. The proximal surfaces of the teeth are in contact with mechanical loads and food debris,