Cough Reflex

**Reflex cough** is an involuntary expulsion of air from the lungs through the larynx using the vocal cords. It is caused by irritation of the nerve endings of the larynx and respiratory system as a result of various factors such as smoke, fumes from chemicals or pathogenic microbes. A reflex cough can be physiological or pathological and occurs in response to negative factors affecting the body, such as infection, allergies, stress and physical activity.

Reflex cough often manifests itself as the only symptom of acute respiratory diseases, and can also be considered as an independent disease. It can affect the functioning of the heart and other organs and manifest itself in different forms, so its treatment is possible only under the supervision of a specialist and based on the results of a diagnostic examination.

One of the main symptoms of a reflex cough is increased irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system due to exposure to irritants. This can lead to frequent and unexpected coughing attacks. In addition to the reflex nature of the cough, there may also be other symptoms associated with diseases of other organs or organ systems that produce or regulate the cough reflex. Most often, with a reflex cough, the most significant signs are:

1. Intensity and frequency of unproductive cough attacks: most often, a reflex cough becomes a factor that impedes breathing and nutrition of body tissues due to a lack of oxygen, which can arise from frequent spasms of the respiratory tract. The frequency and strength of coughing attacks can reach a limit at which the patient loses the ability to speak or cry. If new symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor to make a diagnosis. A reflex reaction can be variable in nature, that is, it does not appear immediately after contact with the stimulus, and quite the opposite - it can be instantaneous. 2. Episodic reflex attack: This cough can occur constantly and for no apparent reason, and can be caused by various external factors such as wind, chemical irritants or loud noises. In some cases, a reflex cough appears in children under 5 years of age, which indicates a possible immune reaction to allergens or infectious agents. This type of cough may last for several days and stop spontaneously. 3. Nature of the irritant: A reflex cough can respond to a wide range of irritants, ranging from tobacco smoke to environmental sensitivities.