Brody catheter

Brody catheter

The Brown-Stransky catheter, or better known by its acronym Brody catheter, is a relatively new technology. It was invented in the last decade of the 20th century.

**Why is a Brody catheter needed? ** Brodie catheters are used in surgery to divert urine if, for one reason or another, the bladder cannot function independently, for example, after surgery resulting from an injury to the groin or pelvic organs. These also include a concussion or a severe form of diabetes mellitus, in which uropathy develops. There are also contraindications for using a catheter - severe forms of cystitis, kidney infections, and other diseases of the genitourinary system. In some cases, the use of such a catheter in urology is justified and allows the patient to continue treatment. Often catheters help even in cases where other methods of intervention are ineffective - hydro