Katza Bite Block

The Katz Bite Block is an orthodontic design developed by Soviet dentist Alexander Yakovlevich Katz in the 1930s. It is designed to correct malocclusion and straighten teeth.

The Katza Bite Block is a metal plate that is attached to the upper jaw using special hooks. It consists of two parts: the base and the wings. The base is attached to the teeth using hooks, and the wings are attached to the base.

The way the Katz Bite Block works is that the wings apply pressure to the teeth, causing them to move in the desired direction. This allows you to correct malocclusion and straighten your teeth.

The benefits of the Katz Bite Block are that it allows you to quickly and effectively correct malocclusion without requiring surgery. In addition, it does not cause discomfort to the patient and does not require a long period of wearing.

However, like any other orthodontic device, the Katza Bite Block has its drawbacks. For example, it may cause discomfort to the patient, especially if he cannot get used to wearing it. It can also be expensive and requires regular maintenance.

Overall, the Katza Bite Block can be recommended to patients who want to quickly and effectively correct their malocclusion. However, before using it, you should consult with your orthodontist to ensure its safety and effectiveness.

The name “Katz Bite Block” has become the name of an entire direction in dental practice and today confidently competes with a huge number of other popular areas of orthodontics. So what is this method and why does it attract everyone's attention?

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