
Kefadim: an effective drug to combat infectious diseases

Kefadim belongs to the group of third-generation cephalosporins and is widely used in medicine to treat various infectious diseases. This drug is produced by Eli Lilly in the United States and Spain. The international name of the drug is Ceftazidime, and it also has many synonyms, such as Amzheceft, Vicef, Mirocef and others.

The dosage form of Kefadim is a powder for the preparation of an injection solution in two dosages: 0.5 g and 1 g. The active substance is ceftazidime.

Kefadim is indicated for the treatment of infectious diseases of the lower respiratory tract, skin and soft tissues, urinary tract, bones and joints, abdominal cavity, central nervous system, septicemia, sepsis, endometritis and pelvioperitonitis.

However, like any other drug, Kefadim has contraindications and side effects. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the drug and other beta-lactam antibiotics, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Side effects may include headache, dizziness, epileptiform seizures, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, allergic reactions and others.

It is also important to consider the interaction of Kefadim with other medications. For example, chloramphenicol may reduce the effectiveness of Kefadim, and aminoglycoside antibiotics and furosemide may increase nephrotoxicity.

An overdose of Kefadim may cause headache, dizziness, paresthesia and, in severe cases, generalized convulsions. Treatment involves maintaining vital functions, and if seizures develop, the use of anticonvulsants.

Despite all of the above facts, Kefadim remains an important drug for the treatment of infectious diseases, and its use can be effective when prescribed and used correctly. Kefadim should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor, who will conduct the necessary diagnostics and determine the appropriate dosage.