Kelling-Madlener Gastric Resection

Kelling-Madlener gastrectomy: Procedure and application

Kelling-Madlener gastrectomy, also known as Kelling-Madlener gastrectomy, is a surgical procedure used to treat certain stomach conditions. Named after the German surgeons Georg Kelling and Max Madlener, this procedure has become one of the important techniques in the field of gastroenterology.

Kelling-Madlener gastrectomy is used to treat a variety of conditions, including peptic ulcers, gastric cancer, and some cases of gastroesophageal reflux. The procedure may be recommended when conservative treatments are ineffective or when the disease is at an advanced stage.

During a Kelling-Madlener gastrectomy, the surgeon removes the part of the stomach to which the tumor or diseased tissue is attached. The remaining part of the stomach is then attached to the remains of the esophagus or intestine. This allows the body to continue normal digestive function.

The procedure can be performed using a variety of techniques, including open surgery or a laparoscopic approach. Laparoscopic gastrectomy is less invasive and allows for faster recovery after surgery. However, the choice of method depends on the specific circumstances and characteristics of the patient.

After Kelling-Madlener gastrectomy, patients may need to change their lifestyle and diet. It is important to follow the recommendations of your doctor and nutritionist to ensure normal digestion and prevent complications.

As with any surgical procedure, Kelling-Madlener gastrectomy comes with certain risks and complications, such as infection, bleeding, reactions to anesthesia, and disease recurrence. This should be taken into account when deciding to undergo this operation, and the patient should be carefully informed about all aspects of the procedure.

Kelling-Madlener gastrectomy is an important tool in the treatment of certain gastric diseases. Thanks to the development of surgical techniques and improved postoperative care, this method is becoming increasingly safe and effective. However, the decision to undergo surgery must be made individually for each patient after careful discussion with the doctor assessing all possible benefits and risks. It is important to contact an experienced surgeon and get all the necessary advice before making a final decision.

Although Kelling-Madlener gastrectomy is an effective treatment for certain conditions, it is not a panacea and may not be suitable for all patients. In some cases, alternative treatments such as drug therapy or other surgical procedures may be more suitable options. Therefore, it is important to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the patient and his specific needs before deciding on a Kelling-Madlener gastrectomy.

In conclusion, Kelling-Madlener gastrectomy is a significant surgical procedure used to treat certain gastric diseases. It can be an effective way to improve patients' quality of life and ensure disease control. However, the decision to proceed with surgery should be made after careful evaluation of the patient and discussion with experienced medical professionals.

Kellinga - Madlener Gastric resection in surgery is a procedure in which part of the stomach is removed to treat certain diseases. This procedure was first proposed by German surgeons and bears their names. These surgeons made significant contributions to the development of surgery and are among the pioneers in the field of surgical treatment of gastric diseases.

The main reason why Kellinga - Madelener resection is performed is to treat a peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, which occurs as a result of a combination of factors. Stomach acid is a major factor in the development of ulcers, and bacteria entering the stomach makes the situation worse. Surgery for stomach pain caused by ulcers may be used in cases where other treatments are ineffective or dangerous. In some cases, Kelling-Madlender resection can also be used to treat stomach cancer.

One of the main reasons for resection is gastric ulcer, as it can lead to serious consequences such as bleeding and perforation of the ulcer. This operation can also be performed in the presence of a malignant tumor.