Ulcerative keratitis

**Ulcer keratitis and treatment of the disease.**

Corneal ulcers are one of the most common and dangerous eye diseases in children and adults. It is caused by chlamydia, viruses and bacteria. Ulceration may also occur as a result of burns and injuries. These are inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the eye caused by a malnutrition of the vascular tissue. The disease causes pain, reduces visual function and leads to scarring. Keratitis begins with a sharp reddening of the eyeball, then the cornea turns red and becomes cloudy. The final stage of the disease is the formation of ulcers, which can lead to blindness. The ulcer is inflammatory in nature, its occurrence is caused by damage to the tissues of the central or peripheral parts of the cornea, where their cells are restored.

**Keratitis ulcer. Causes.**

In ophthalmology, there are several main causes of the disease: * trauma to the cornea and surgical damage during eye surgery