Keratohyaline Layer of the Epidermis

In this article we will look at the keratohyaline layer or skin. This layer of skin is one of the five layers of skin and is located in the middle of the epidermis. It plays an important role in protecting the skin from external factors such as ultraviolet rays, wind and cold.

The keratohyaline layer (from Latin keratotheca - horny) was discovered in 1881, it was first described by W. Schoppe. This layer is located in the outer zones of the epidermis directly under the epidermis and provides its protection from aggressive influences from the outside. The thickness of the top layer is affected by the intensity of pigmentation - it directly depends on the amount of melanin. In the head area, the pigment is contained in special bubbles. Melanin is located under the pigment, but over time its percentage decreases as enzymes gradually destroy its structure. This process leads to fading of the hair. It also reduces the thickness of the hair cellular structure. Regeneration is ensured by collagen synthesis, due to which the layer is thicker than in other areas of the body. Its thickness is directly dependent on the intensity of pigmentation. The state of the thin layer has been studied quite well.

Using a microscope, you can see microscopic bumps on this layer that look like small teeth. From the outside they look quite funny, causing an association with fish scales due to their appearance.

Keratohyaline (Gaull's layer) is one of the main layers of the skin. It is located between the epidermis and dermis, and contains protein complexes that include keratin, a type of protein that makes up human hair, nails and skin. The peculiarity of the keratogenic layer is that it contains the most noticeable part of the hair follicles. It is from here that the hair shaft enters the dermis itself. This layer is one of the first during hair growth, along with the basal one. By interacting with hair follicles, this layer protects them from exposure to ultraviolet rays, sweat, chemical pollution and other adverse external influences. Thus, the Gol layer refers to the dead layer of skin and is intended for further transportation of various cellular structures. Largely due to keratin compounds, an airtight horny film appears on the surface of the epidermal layer.

Despite the fact that the CGS is tightly connected to the surrounding structures and has a specific shape, it is formed by surface epithelial cells - keratinocytes. On top of them, the skin remains completely transparent, but as soon as the cells begin to die, it acquires a characteristic white tint. These modified cells cover the CGS quite densely. The stratum corneum is formed by the elongation of keratinocytes, which gradually envelop each hair. Precisely because the Gol layer is one of the last formed in the structure of the horny ball (which is also the skin itself), it is responsible for its usefulness and vitality. Therefore, the importance of caring for this layer is especially important, and the care itself is a single complex process. All hygiene procedures must be performed correctly and regularly - this not only improves the general condition of the skin, but also prevents its aging. At the same time, it should be noted that it is the horny ball that is influenced by a wide variety of irreversible processes that prevent the natural renewal of the surface of the skin. In practice, this means the following: when keratin is damaged, problems appear with applying makeup, the skin looks unhealthy, peels as the quality of the pigment decreases, and also becomes more sensitive. Also, the deterioration of the condition of the CG indicates the influence of some internal processes. Most often we are talking about problems with blood and immunity. However, there are other consequences: for example, uneven skin color or decreased activity of the sebaceous glands. The appearance of problems with keratin is not always associated with the fact that the skin has begun to wither. These could also be reactions to medications: after stopping them, the problem goes away. It is worth paying attention to the appearance. Under normal conditions, the horn should be smooth, without any strange formations. The skin of the KGS face itself ensures the elasticity of its cells