
Keraunophobia is the fear of lightning and thunder. This is one of the most unusual types of phobias, which is considered extremely rare and little studied. But despite this, it continues to attract the attention of specialists in psychology and psychiatry.

A person with keraunophobia exhibits a deep fear of lightning and thunder, which can cause them to panic. Patients often hide in enclosed spaces when there is a threat of a thunderstorm and fall into a state of panic. They find it difficult to concentrate on daily tasks because they fear that scary sounds will destroy everything around them.

Scientific research in the field of keraunophobia indicates that it most often occurs in people aged 45-55 years, as well as in women. Typically, this type of phobia is a complex mental disorder that can lead to anxiety disorders and panic attacks.

Traditionally, ceraunophobes show all the signs of anxiety: they are characterized by fear of loud noises, shaking, fear during thunderstorms and a feeling of helplessness. It is believed that one of the reasons for the emergence of this type of phobia is a lack of information about lightning strikes, which could reduce anxiety in people.