Chiari-Avtsyna Symptom

The Chiari-Atsyna sign is one of the symptoms associated with brain damage. It can occur with various diseases such as traumatic brain injury, stroke, brain tumors and others.

The main symptom of chiari acne is headache, which can be constant or paroxysmal. It can be localized in the occipital or parietal region of the head, or spread to the entire head. Pain is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting

Chiari-Avtsyn symptom (K. Chiari, A.P. Avtsyn, Soviet doctor), an indirect symptom of specific angiocholecystocholangiography for cancer of the head of the pancreas - the appearance of a narrow filling defect pulsating at the bottom and along the anterior wall of the lower horizontal part of the duodenum, not associated with pathological nodular compaction gland and therefore disappears during additional intravenous administration of contrast into the common bile duct. The defect is shaped like a jellyfish. Chiari-Avtsynu was proposed in 1890 by J. Eismann, and it is one of the specific signs of damage to the common bile duct, proximal to the major duodenal papilla. Filling defects similar in appearance