Kidd Isoantigen

If you had to visit a doctor and he gave you a blood test, you may be confused by some unusual symbols. Among them you can find such as KIDD - what does this mean? This is a clinical test to identify: * Kidd isoa antigens (eng. Kidd isoa)ntigen) This is a human karyotype according to the study of polymorphism ABO, Rh. It is determined based on the structural features of the karyoplasm. This test allows you to timely identify the presence of the disease in children or assess the possibility of offspring if the parents are closely related. The study can also be used to determine the typicality of blood for transfusion to a patient. In this case, the exact ratio of red blood cells and platelets in the plasma often plays a decisive role. Kidd is a hereditary anomaly, in simple terms, a defect in the genetic code. More precisely, in the DNA region there is an extra piece of the chain. Its presence cannot but affect