Kidney Thoracic

Thoracic kidney: what is it?

The kidney is thoracically dystopic and located in the thoracic zone (that is, in the pleural region) or the abdominal cavity. This type of kidney is characterized by a deformed position and usually causes bladder problems as well as a potential safety hazard

Kidneys are organs of the urinary system that are located in the abdominal cavity of a person. However, there are cases when the kidneys are not positioned normally or incorrectly. One of these cases is called “thoracic kidney”. This pathology occurs when the kidney is located in the chest, namely in the sternum area. Thoracic kidneys can cause a variety of health problems, such as kidney and genitourinary problems, breathing problems, back pain and even blood clotting problems.

The kidney is a paired organ that performs the function of filtering human blood from harmful substances and producing urine. The kidney consists of two parts - the ureters, which connect the kidneys to the bladder, and the renal pelvis, which receives urine from the urinary tract after filtering it from useful substances. In a normal situation, the kidney structures are located in the front upper part of the abdominal cavity under the liver, which allows them to work correctly and efficiently. If the kidney is located outside the abdominal cavity, it may begin to move to certain places: for example, into the chest, pelvic cavity, or inside the abdomen. This condition is called kidney dystopia. The thoracic kidney (or dystopic, thoracic kidney) is located in the center of the chest. It is a developmental abnormality of the kidney and impairs the functioning of the entire renal system. Dystopic kidneys often have the appearance of a pointed formation located in the left or right upper corner of the chest; their contours are clearly defined.