Operation Killiana

The Killian operation is a surgical procedure that was developed by the German otolaryngologist Georg Killian at the beginning of the 20th century. The operation was named after the scientist who first proposed it and put it into practice.

The Killian operation was developed to treat chronic inflammation of the middle ear, which is often accompanied by a buildup of fluid in the middle ear. During the operation, the doctor removes fluid from the middle ear and performs other manipulations to improve the patient's hearing and prevent further development of inflammation.

Killian's operation consists of several stages. First, the doctor administers anesthesia so that the patient does not feel pain during the operation. The doctor then makes a small incision in the skin of the ear to gain access to the middle ear. After this, the doctor removes the accumulation of fluid from the ear and removes any other abnormal tissue that may be causing the inflammation. Finally, the doctor closes the skin incision and stitches it.

After surgery, the patient usually remains in the hospital for several days for observation and recovery. In most cases, the Killian procedure is an effective treatment for chronic otitis media. However, like any other operation, it has its risks and can cause complications. Therefore, before undergoing surgery, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination and consult with an experienced doctor.

Killian Operation is a method of surgical treatment of various diseases of the ear, nose and throat, which was developed by the German otolaryngologist Killian at the beginning of the 20th century. This method became popular and is still used today.

History of creation Killian, born in 1868 in Germany, was one of the first doctors to use the microscope to diagnose and treat diseases of the ear and nose. He created a new approach to surgical treatment of diseases, using microscopic examination of tissue to accurately determine the diagnosis and determine optimal treatments.

The original method Killian's first method was created in 1902 and was called the "phlebectomy operation". He used a microscope and special instruments to remove diseased tissue from the vessels of the nose and sinuses. This treatment method has proven effective in treating various diseases, including sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and allergic rhinitis. This method was later expanded to other ear, nose and throat diseases such as chronic tonsillitis and chronic sinusitis.

Dissemination of the method Killian's method of operation quickly found its adherents among specialists, and it began to be used in many countries around the world, including the UK, the United States and Canada. In all these countries their own schools were created according to