
In the context of the existence of a global community, cinema is an integral part of the culture and life of people. On May 13, 1895, the Lumière brothers' cinematograph was invented in Paris, the United States, and after that cinema began to develop throughout the world. With the development of technology and expanding access to the Internet, cinema is becoming even more popular and accessible. Every day, people all over the world enjoy watching new films and TV series, but sometimes you can encounter such a phenomenon as people’s reluctance to watch movies at all. In this article we will talk about the reasons for reluctance to watch films.

One of the main reasons is the excessive use of computer games, which do not require concentration and visual attention. People get so used to video games that they lose interest in standard things like movies. Also one of the reasons can be considered the insufficient number of good films. Today, film production has become much easier, but poorly made films can discourage viewers from watching. Despite this, most film fans around the world note the positive impact of cinema on personal development. In addition, cinema can help improve thinking and language skills, as well as develop imagination. Watching movies can also help improve socialization by helping you connect with other people. Cinema can help develop interest in literature, music and other forms of art, so we can say that cinema can change a person's life.