Oxygen cocktail

Oxygen Cocktail: Innovative Medical Nutrition from Russia

In the world of modern medicine, new and innovative products are constantly emerging aimed at maintaining and improving health. One of these products that attracts attention is the oxygen cocktail - a unique medical nutrition that is produced in Russia.

Country of origin: Russia
Pharm-Group: Medical nutrition
Manufacturer: PharmaTrade (Russia)
International name: Oxygen cocktail
Dosage forms: "Supergayser" pack

Oxygen cocktail is an innovative product developed using advanced research and production technologies. It is part of the pharmacological group of therapeutic nutrition, designed to improve the health and overall well-being of the body.

The main component of the oxygen cocktail is oxygen, which plays an important role in the life of every cell in our body. Oxygen is an integral element for carrying out metabolic processes, maintaining energy metabolism and ensuring the normal functioning of organs and systems.

The use of an oxygen cocktail has a number of positive effects on the body. It helps improve blood circulation, which increases the supply of oxygen to tissues and organs. This can have a positive effect on the overall energy of the body, improving physical endurance and the speed of muscle recovery after physical activity.

In addition, an oxygen cocktail can have a positive effect on the immune system, increasing its protective functions and ability to fight infections and inflammatory processes. This is especially true in conditions of increased stress on the body or when recovering from an illness.

The oxygen cocktail is produced by PharmaTrade in Russia, and its quality meets international standards. The manufacturing country has rich experience and resources in the medical industry, which guarantees the reliability and effectiveness of the product.

The dosage form of the oxygen cocktail is presented in a package called “Supergayser”. It is a convenient and easy-to-use form that allows consumers to receive the required dose of oxygen without unnecessary effort or complexity.

In conclusion, the oxygen cocktail is an innovative medical nutrition product produced in Russia by PharmaTrade. It provides a valuable resource of oxygen necessary to maintain normal functioning of the body and enhance its overall well-being. The use of an oxygen cocktail can have a positive effect on blood circulation, the immune system and the overall energy of the body. Thanks to advanced production technologies and strict compliance with international standards, oxygen cocktail is a reliable and effective product for maintaining health.