Ovarian cystoma Pseudomucinous

Cystomas. Cystomas are voluminous tumor-like formations of the ovaries. The main reason for their occurrence is hormonal dysfunction (inflammatory processes, endocrine and metabolic diseases). Types of cystic ovarian pathologies are described in the section “Ovarian cysts and cystomas”

Ovarian cystomas are benign tumors that arise as a result of the accumulation of fluid or mucus in the ovaries. The cyst contains fluid that may be clear or cloudy and has an unpleasant odor. They can be single-chamber (contain one chamber) or multi-chamber, that is, have several chambers inside.

Pseudomucinoma cystoma is one of the most common forms of ovarian cystoma. It appears due to the formation of a large amount of internal fluid, which cannot flow through the walls of the cyst. If left untreated