Kitley-Torek-Herzen Operation

Kitley-Torek-Herzen operation

Keatley-Thorek-Herzen operation is a surgical operation to remove the upper part of the sternum and manubrium. The operation is named after three surgeons who contributed to its development:

  1. S.R.V. Keetley (1848-1903) - English surgeon who proposed removal of the manubrium of the sternum for mediastinal tumors.

  2. F.J.A. Torek (1861-1938) - American surgeon who developed a technique for resection of the upper part of the sternum.

  3. P.A. Herzen (1871-1947) - Soviet surgeon, who in 1929 performed the first such operation in the USSR.

During the operation, an incision is made in the sternum from the jugular notch to the xiphoid process, followed by removal of the upper part of the sternum along with the manubrium. This allows for wide access to the mediastinum for removal of tumors and other pathologies. The Keatley-Thorek-Herzen operation is still used in thoracic surgery.