Kleisis Vaginal-perineal Incomplete

Vaginal-perineal kleisis Incomplete: Study and Practice


Vaginal-perineal incomplete kleisis is a medical term derived from the Greek word "kleisis", which means "locking" or "closing". It is used to describe a condition in which the vaginal and perineal area does not or cannot be completely closed. In this article we will look in more detail at kleisis of vaginal-perineal incompleteness, its causes, symptoms and possible treatment methods.

Causes of vaginal-perineal incomplete kleisis:

There are several factors that can contribute to the development of incomplete vaginal-perineal kleisis. One of the main causes is stretching of the vaginal and perineal muscles, which can occur as a result of childbirth or other traumatic events. Congenital anomalies or defects in the anatomy of the vagina and perineum are also possible causes.

Symptoms of vaginal-perineal incomplete kleisis:

The main symptom of incomplete vaginal-perineal kleisis is incomplete closure of the vaginal and perineal area. This can lead to discomfort and inconvenience for the patient, especially during physical activity or sexual intercourse. Other possible symptoms may include a feeling of weakness in the perineal area and urological problems such as urinary incontinence.

Treatment methods for incomplete vaginal-perineal kleisis:

Treatment for vaginal-perineal incomplete kleisis may involve conservative or surgical approaches, depending on the extent and symptoms of the patient. Conservative treatment may include physical therapy, pelvic floor exercises, and the use of special devices such as vaginal balls or rings. They help strengthen the muscles of the vagina and perineum, improving their functionality.

In cases where conservative methods are not effective enough, surgery may be required. Surgical options may include various procedures aimed at repairing and closing the vaginal and perineal area. This can be achieved through plastic surgery, reconstruction, or the use of implants to strengthen weak tissue.


Vaginal-perineal incomplete kleisis is a condition that can cause discomfort and problems for patients in everyday life. Before you begin treatment, it is important to see a qualified healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and advice on the best treatment approach.

In this article, we examined kleisis of vaginal-perineal incompleteness, its causes, symptoms and possible treatment methods. It is important to remember that each case is unique and the treatment approach must be individualized. Therefore, if you have symptoms or suspect a vaginal-perineal incomplete kleisis, it is important to consult a doctor for advice and get the necessary help.


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