Cage Corner Knife

An angle knife is a special surgical instrument used to cut the sclera (the clear layer of the eye) during retinal detachment surgery. The cages of the corner knife have a flat, double-edged working part, which is pointed at the end and located at an angle of 40° to the handle of the tool.

Corner knife cells are used to create a small hole in the sclera through which the retina can be penetrated and the necessary manipulations performed. This tool allows you to create the most even and accurate hole, which is very important for the successful operation and prevention of possible complications.

When using a corner knife, certain safety rules must be followed. First, before using the tool, you need to check it for damage or corrosion. Secondly, while working, you need to be careful not to touch other parts of the body or tools with the working part to avoid injury.

In general, corner knife cells are an indispensable tool for performing retinal detachment surgeries, as they allow you to create the most precise and even hole in the sclera. Compliance with safety rules when working with this instrument is an important condition for successful operation and prevention of complications.


Cage corner knife - a knife for cutting the sclera, used in ophthalmological operations. It has a double-shaped working surface with a tip that is located at an angle of about 4 degrees to the handle. This flat angle helps improve the accuracy of operations. The working part is at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the base - this is