Host Cell

In our age of high technology and unlimited access to information, every person is faced with a lot of negative news that significantly worsens our lives. For every society, the problems of global instability, the stratification of people, the search for cures for various diseases, and the preservation of the environment remain relevant. At the same time, at the beginning of the 20th century, another problem arose - viral genocide. When passing through the human body, viruses can cause severe infectious diseases that are incurable both today and tomorrow, although scientists are working hard to solve this problem. In this case, the cause of illness and death is a genetically modified virus, which can be completely changed and cloned using genetic engineering, and a completely new strain can be created, adapted to modern medicines. To protect their health, some researchers, having noticed the presence of mutations in viruses, began work on a new direction of science - “host cells”.

The first meeting of the human body with a virus occurs when the microorganism penetrates the barrier layer of mucus, the protective epithelium and affects the cells of the human body. Infected cells act as carriers of the virus, thus not being exposed to the immune system, i.e. conditions are created for latent infection. When encountering viruses, the human body first fights the infection, and then only begins to produce antibodies, thanks to which the disease passes through the acute stage and becomes chronic. Thus, without understanding the process of genetic change in a host cell, it is impossible to create a vaccine or develop a cure for a viral disease.

At the moment, medical scientists are working to determine the mechanism of transmission of the virus and its harmful effects on the host. Researchers suggest that the key to defeating the disease may be the “patch” to which the virus is attached. A “patch” can be any cell of the human body. For example, due to the immunity of a protein to the immune system, the body begins to believe that the foreign