Cell Sleznaya

The lacrimal cell (lacrimocytus) is a specialized type of cell that is located in the lacrimal gland and is responsible for the production and secretion of tears. Tears are a clear liquid that protects the eyes from various irritants and infections, and also helps to moisturize the cornea.

The tear cell is made up of several types of cells, including secretory cells, which produce tears, and supporting cells, which provide nutrition and protection to the secretory cells. In addition, the tear cell contains receptors that respond to various signals, such as emotional and physical stimuli, and activate the secretion of tears.

When the lacrimal cell becomes active, it secretes tears through special channels located in the lacrimal gland. Tears contain various components such as mucin, proteins and electrolytes that help protect the eyes and keep them healthy.

The process of tear production occurs automatically when a person experiences emotional or physical stress. However, in some diseases the lacrimal gland may be damaged or not function properly. In this case, the tear cell may not produce tears, which can lead to dry eyes and other eye health problems.

Overall, the lacrimal gland and lacrimal cells play an important role in maintaining the health of the eyes and protecting them from external influences. However, if the tear gland does not function properly, it can lead to various health problems. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health and consult a doctor if you have any problems with the tear gland or tear cells.