Kashchenko cells

Among medical terms, there is one that most people associate with a zone for especially dangerous criminals. Of course, these are Kanatnikov cells in the department of psychiatry and neurology. What are these KANATNIKOV cells?

The Kanatnikov cell is a device designed to help patients with dementia. It looks like a board wrapped in soft cloth. The mesh is installed so that the patient can lie on it fully extended, while the head remains free.

Unlike the lift-up beds used in regular hospitals, the cage frame is designed to allow people with dementia to stand up on their own every day without assistance. In addition, the grid has several other important functions:

- reducing the risk of bedsores;

- preventing a person from falling during sleep;

- limited mobility helps prevent accidents or the possibility of conflict with other patients.

The important point is that the cage is not that expensive - much cheaper than professional help when caring for a person with dementia in social institutions. This allows patients in quarantine or during rehabilitation, and their relatives/guardians, to receive additional comfort and safety.

They were first installed by Arnold Gehlen in his medical institution in Rome, but over the years they became more popular in Germany, where, due to their effectiveness, they acquired their current name “Kanatnikova cells”.

However, for people whose friends or relatives suffer from dementia, cells remain a symbol of safety