Cells Periglomerular

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Juxtraglomerular cells - juxtroglomerular (juxtracapsular) apparatus - an apparatus that maintains normal blood pressure and ensures blood circulation by producing active substances such as renin and erythropoietin. They belong to coelomic cells, their size reaches approximately 35 microns.

The juxtglomerular apparatus in the kidneys, with the help of capsulocytes, ensures the separation of fluid - that is, reabsorption occurs. In addition, it regulates the concentration of hormones in the blood. As for the development of the kidneys, elements of the juxtrumfaular region appear in the organ during the formation and separation of metanephric blastemas at the embryonic stage. As the umbilical cord develops, endothelial cells and parenchymal cells begin to form in the metanephroblast. Juxtranephrons are present in the body, including men. And their development begins when children are born (at 24-26 weeks of pregnancy), as well as in women (by the 12th week the uterus begins to form in the body, and at the 18th week the formation of the fallopian tubes begins).

EPIDIDYMA Epididymitis is an inflammation of the epididymis in men or an increase in its size, the appearance of pain in the scrotum. Epididymitis can occur in both men and women. Serous epididymitis affects only the epididymis due to accidental introduction of infection from the genitourinary organs; the infection does not enter the epididymis by hematogenous route. The causative agent may be Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, pneumococci or streptococci.