Clinic [Clinica; Greek Klinike (Tc Chne) The Art of Healing, Caring for Bedridden Patients; Klinikos Lying In Bed, From Kline Bed]

A clinic is a medical institution for the specialized treatment of complex diseases. The clinic combines medical training with the organization of medical and scientific work. Let's consider each of the concepts in more detail.

1. Specialized treatment and prophylaxis. This name indicates that the clinic is distinguished by a narrow profile of medical intervention. It is necessary to contact the clinic if you need diagnosis and consultation regarding blood pathologies, cancer, acute rheumatological pathology and other diseases, the treatment of which requires a unique approach and complex treatment methods. Moreover, this approach in the institution is carried out only by experienced, highly qualified doctors who will quickly and accurately determine the true picture of the disease, collect anamnesis, prescribe the necessary procedures and drug therapy, and will monitor the dynamics of the patient’s condition.

2. Treatment of patients, combined with pedagogical and scientific work. The clinic is not only a professional institution, but