Oil Enema

Oil enema

Oil enema, also known as CMS (oil enema with injection) is a type of cleansing enema that allows you to effectively cleanse the body of stagnant deposits, metabolic products, salts, toxic substances, toxins, irritations and allergies. The basic principles of this procedure are

Introduction Oil enema - A laxative enema with the required volume, which is administered using a rectal probe. The index finger of the hand is inserted into the rectal area, and a polymer cartridge with a capacity of 30-60 ml is inserted slightly above it; the latter is filled with vegetable oil or vaseline oil heated to 37-38 °C. With the slow introduction of oil through a narrow funnel, the walls of the rectum expand, and the depth of the anus area decreases, as a result of which it is possible to insert a probe. Another option for an oil enema is the injection of 200 ml of heated vegetable oil into the rectum. Immediately after the administration of the enema, the oil, when the abdominal wall is tense, pushes the feces upward, causes them to descend, followed by emptying of the sigmoid colon. Many patients suffering from constipation experience oily stools quickly—within a few hours.