Glomerulus of the Renal Taurus

The glomerulus corpusculi renis (lnh) is one of the structures of the kidney that plays an important role in the process of blood filtration. The glomerulus is a tangle of capillary vessels surrounded by a capsule or membrane.

The glomerulus is the initial link of the nephron - the structural and functional unit of the kidney. Blood plasma is filtered through the walls of the glomerular capillaries, resulting in the formation of primary urine. The primary urine then travels down the nephron for further processing and the formation of final urine.

Synonyms are also used for the glomerulus of the renal corpuscle: malpighian glomerulus, renal glomerulus. The glomerulus was first described by the Italian anatomist Malpighi, in whose honor it received one of the names.

Thus, the glomerulus of the renal corpuscle is an important component of the kidneys, participating in the primary filtration of blood and the formation of urine. Its structure and functioning are of key importance for maintaining water-salt balance and excreting metabolic products from the body.

The renal corpuscle is a structure that is located in the tubules of the kidneys and is responsible for filtering blood. It consists of many small glomus that are located in the ureter and bladder. Each glomus contains a small vesicle (glomerulus) surrounded by a capsule. A filtration process occurs in the glomerulus, which allows you to get rid of excess fluid and toxins contained in the blood.

Glomerulus of renal corpuscles (Greek klōbos - ball, club; renal corpuscle - glomeruli corporealis, renis lnc; synonyms: malpighian renal glomeruli, renal glomerulus) - (glomerulus corporenis renis; Greek kloveolar osmionis renis - glomerulus of small renal vessels, renal malpighians glomerulus). It is surrounded by a Malpighian cylinder, which is attached to the renal corpuscle between the legs of capillary loops (thirty or more loops), separated by layers of endothelium. Filled with glomerular capillaries. The glomerulus constitutes the supporting and filtering zone of the kidney.

Each kidney contains about 2 million glomeruli of renal corpuscles. They function throughout the day, passing blood through their capillaries to cleanse it of unnecessary substances. Filtration occurs through nephrite cells, which filter the blood and release glucose, sodium and other substances into the urine and waste products are eliminated. The filtration process occurs very quickly, since the capillaries in the glomeruli are very small.

Functions of the glomerulus of the renal corpuscle

· **Filtration of substances**. In the glomeruli of the renal corpuscles, the blood passes through the capillaries and is filtered, which allows the removal of harmful substances and keeps the body clean. · **Urine formation**. After the blood has passed through the capillaries of the glomerulus, it enters the kidney tubules and collects in the urinary tract. · **Reabsorption**. This process allows the necessary substances to be returned to the body after filtration. For example, glucose and electrolytes are returned to the blood from urine so that the body receives the necessary resources. · **Maintaining the concentration of substances in the body**. The glomeruli of the renal bodies create a balance between substances entering the body and their excretion into the urine. It is also worth noting that in the glomerulus of the renal corpuscle there are special cells that play an important role in the formation of urine. They are called nephrocytes. They are located in the walls of the renal tubules and have numerous grooves called malpighian arms. These arms have many capillaries, making them a very important filtration element for the body. However, there are times when the glomerulus cannot perform its function effectively due to various diseases such as diabetes, tumors or kidney damage. This can lead to various diseases, including kidney failure and nephrotic syndrome. Treatment of these diseases can be lengthy and complex, but timely