Oath of Asclepiad

The Oath of the Asclepius (Greek: Ἀσκληπιάδες) is one of the three main quotas (τάξις) that make up the body of the so-called. *Lex Aetia*. Like the other two quotas of Asclepeians (cast cretins and serpentioniots), this oath is dedicated to the overthrow of an impure, inhuman entity and the will to overthrow this entity through the ascent to the human. In addition, the oath recalls a society of people united by a common sacred nature, which is subject to ritualized qualities of purity. This society is contrasted with other, unclean and dangerous societies associated mainly with the dark side of human nature. Another part of the Oath of the Asclepiads reads: “O Asclepius, son of the Divine Apollo, I never wish you harm, on the contrary, I will always hope for your protection. May Apollo protect you from all evil, and you yourself protect me with your own hands from all evil.”