
Coding is the process of recording information using code. For example, the order of amino acids in a polypeptide chain is encoded by the sequence of nucleic acid nitrogenous bases.

Coding allows you to present information in a form suitable for storage, processing and transmission. It is widely used in a variety of fields - from genetics to telecommunications.

Coding examples:

  1. The genetic code by which information about the structure of proteins is encoded in the DNA molecule.
  2. Binary code used in computing to represent text, images, sound, and other data as a sequence of ones and zeros.
  3. Source coding and channel coding, used in information and communication theory for the efficient transmission of messages over communication channels.

Thus, encoding is a fundamental process that allows us to represent and process a wide variety of information. The characteristics of information storage, transmission and processing systems largely depend on the chosen encoding method.

Coding is a software process that means recording information in the form of a series of numbers, letters and other symbols on a storage medium. One of the practical forms of recording arithmetic and literary processes in electronic radio circuits. Coding is a very important part in transporting information through information. communication channels or networks that transmit data using modules, which are remote computers, or negotiations about the movement of a human body (i.e. a living or ex-experimental person)