Colmer-Berner Sample

The Kolmer-Berner test is a method for determining the presence of galactose or lactose in urine by the formation of a white precipitate when they react with nitric acid. This test was developed in 1925 by German scientists Kolmer and Berner.

To carry out the test, you need to mix a small amount of urine with a nitric acid solution that contains an indicator. As a result of the interaction of galactose with an acidic solution, a white precipitate is formed, which can be observed visually. Lactose may also form a precipitate, but the color may be darker or less white.

The Kolmer-Berner test is used to diagnose carbohydrate metabolic disorders such as galactosemia or lactosemia. These diseases are associated with the body's inability to metabolize certain carbohydrates, which leads to a buildup of these substances in the blood and urine.

The test for galactose and lactose is one of the most accurate methods for determining carbohydrate metabolism disorders. However, it has several disadvantages, including labor intensity and the need to use special reagents. In addition, results may be inaccurate due to improper preparation of the urine sample or improper administration of the test.

Overall, the Colmer-Berner test is a useful tool for diagnosing carbohydrate metabolic disorders and can be used as an additional diagnostic method in combination with other tests. However, to obtain accurate results, you must strictly follow the test instructions and properly prepare the urine sample.

The Kolmer-Berner test is a laboratory method that is used to determine the presence of galactose or lactose in the urine. This method is based on the formation of a white precipitate when galactose, lactose or their derivatives react with nitric acid.

To carry out the test, you need to collect a urine sample, and then add a small amount of concentrated nitric acid to it. As a result of the interaction of nitric acid with galactose or lactose, a white precipitate is formed, which can be observed visually. If a precipitate forms, this indicates the presence of galactose or lactose in the urine sample.

This method is rarely used in modern medicine due to its labor intensity and low sensitivity. However, it may be useful in some cases, such as when performing a retrospective urine test for the presence of galactose or lactose.

In addition, the Colmera-Berner test can be useful for scientific research related to the study of the metabolism of galactose and lactose in the body.