Concept of Childbirth

Concept of Childbirth: Aesthetics of Naturalness

Childbirth is a natural process that is as comfortable as possible for mother and child and is a strong source of positive emotions. However, modern birth conditions, in which women are often forced to give birth in hospitals and undergo medical interventions, can significantly disrupt the natural process and lead to negative consequences for the health of mother and child.

The concept of childbirth as a natural process implies that childbirth cannot be traumatic if it proceeds according to nature's plan. This means that a woman’s behavior during childbirth should correspond to her individual characteristics and phases of labor, as well as the biochemical balance in her body. It is also important to remember that the first day of a child’s life should be considered as part of the birth act, since it is at this time that mother and baby imprint on each other, which determines the quality of their contact throughout subsequent life.

Research shows that the conditions of childbirth and a woman’s behavior during childbirth cannot be arbitrary, but must correspond to the natural plan. At the same time, not all modern women can give birth naturally, since modern lifestyle and environmental conditions can negatively affect a woman’s health and her reproductive function. For example, stress, poor diet, and lack of physical activity can lead to hormonal imbalances that can make natural childbirth difficult.

However, the freest and most prosperous during childbirth are women only of those ethnic groups that have preserved archaic culture and conduct childbirth in accordance with this natural given. In such conditions, women can use various techniques such as massage, breathing exercises, and postures that promote the natural process of labor and reduce the risk of complications.

There is an opinion that natural childbirth can be dangerous for the health of mother and child. However, data from studies conducted in different countries indicate that natural processes cannot be traumatic for either the child or the mother. For example, our long-term observations and more than 500 natural births prove that during natural childbirth there was not a single case of cephalohematoma (subcutaneous hemorrhage), and injuries such as abrasions, asymmetric deformations of the skull, bruises and traumatic brain injuries did not occur at all. In addition, a clavicle fracture was present in only 0.2% of newborns, and the baby did not experience limited arm mobility, suggesting that vaginal birth can be safe and comfortable for mother and baby if it follows nature's plan .

Thus, the concept of childbirth as a natural process implies that childbirth should be as comfortable as possible for mother and child and consistent with nature's plan. Currently, there are many methods and techniques that allow women to give birth naturally. However, in order for childbirth to be as comfortable and safe as possible, a woman must prepare for childbirth in advance, lead a healthy lifestyle and receive qualified assistance during childbirth. In addition, it is important to remember that every woman is unique and her behavior during childbirth should correspond to her individual characteristics and phases of labor.

Ideally, childbirth should take place in conditions that are as close to natural as possible, such as home birth or birth in specially equipped centers where it is possible to give birth in a comfortable environment, use natural methods of pain relief and receive qualified care from medical personnel. This approach can help women give birth exclusively naturally and gain maximum satisfaction and positive emotions from the birth process.