Confabulation Delusional

Delusional confabulation is characterized by signs of deceived memories and, at the same time, the presence of false memories. As a rule, a patient with delusions reports events and facts from his own life that actually happened, but in a distorted form. Thus, these events take on a completely new shade in his mind. In some cases, the patient's memories of specific

Delusional confabulation (lat. confabulari - to tell tales, to fantasize). A form of symptoms of darkened consciousness, when the patient comprehends the events of his life in a fantastic way, taking into account real, but actually absent circumstances, facts, adding fictitious ones to them. This is a product of his own imagination. It's called confabundance. It is directed to the past and to the future. With K. b. in the reproduced retrospective, in a number of cases, there is a lack of criticism of one’s imagination, a tendency to detail individual events, and a desire to consider them as related to each other. In reproduced fantasy, patients often focus on episodes that, in their opinion, have a beneficial effect on their relationships with others. There is a distinction between personal confabulation, which manifests itself in the patient’s understanding of his behavior and relationships with the team in a favorable light, and episodic confabulation - the patient seeks to distort individual episodes that characterize his personality unfavorably

Delusional confabulation (lat. confabulatio - chatter, verbosity; delusional + analogy with lat. con - together + slander) - a symptom complex of false memories (conceptual, true) about things that never happened, as well as fantastic events during delirium, in which real events are distorted . Confabulatory syndrome is observed in organic brain pathology, emotional stress, neurotic and somatoform disorders.

Confabulation disorders occur in people who have certain illnesses or mental disorders. They can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as infections, brain injuries, certain medications, depression and other psychological problems. In this case we are talking about false memories that appear in a person when he is in a delusional state or in a state of insanity. Such disorders can lead to problems in daily life and even danger to the person and his environment.