Extensor contracture

Development of extensor contracture

\[[It is believed that the appearance of muscle contracture is explained by impaired blood circulation in the extensors \("contracture" - Latin contra - against and jungo - I knit, tighten](https://go.mail.ru/redir?src=search&cc_key=default&type %5B%5D=2&q=contraktura+razgibaetelnaya+eto&mcc_tab=eyJzbHVnIjoidG9rZW4iLCJpbWFnZSI6ImltYWdlLnMyMDQgNC4yNDcuNjcuNzk3NzE2ODM3MSIsInVzZXIiOiJub3QifQ=&redir%5Bc1%5D =.0)&redurl=https%3a%2f%2flenta.ru%2fcabinet%2fvscreener%2fpam%3fid%3d79c6cbc9-9ff6-48c2- 8696-2e82a4839e3c&s=main). \- With a disease of a neurogenic nature, the long triceps muscles of the shoulder and neck muscles often suffer from impaired innervation. After paralysis of these muscles, daily relaxation stops, the paralyzed muscles are subject to \! fibrosis, stretching may decrease or stop completely (extension to 0°). The range of extension of the affected upper limb gradually decreases, but does not completely disappear. \[[After suffering from meningitis, a contracture is formed, a pronounced supporting function of the shoulder occurs, a bevel of adduction of the scapula occurs, the scapula fits tightly to the shoulder, the collarbone does not move down and does not hang down. A saddle angle is typical. Palm facing down. The lower limb before surgery was extended to an angle of 90-120°, and after surgery only by \~10°. Less commonly, an even greater flexion contracture (“wedge-shaped deformity”) is noted: the femur is almost straight, the upward deviation of the femoral axis exceeds 35°.