Equatorial Tooth Crown

An equatorial dental crown is an artificial crown that covers a natural tooth only up to the most convex part of its crown (equator).

Equator crowns are used for:

  1. Jaw splinting - fixation of teeth using metal wire or tape, ensuring rigidity of the dentition. In this case, the equatorial crowns serve as a support for the splint.

  2. Attaching dental bridges - structures that replace missing teeth. In this case, equatorial crowns are installed on the supporting teeth at the edges of the gap and serve as the basis for a bridge.

Thus, equatorial crowns are an important component of orthopedic treatment, allowing the fixation of damaged or weakened teeth, as well as the restoration of lost dentition. Their peculiarity is that they cover the tooth only partially, leaving the roots exposed.

An equator tooth crown is a mechanism that is used to create artificial teeth. Unlike other types of crowns, it is designed to be placed on only one tooth and not on an entire row of teeth.

Why are equatorial crowns needed? The main reasons for the appointment of equatorial crowns are: * Strong fastening of intramaxillary structures that keep artificial teeth from moving. * Inflammation of adjacent periodontal tissues, which causes the loss of artificial pins. An equatorial crown reduces the risk of their recurrence. The use of an equator crown can help improve the patient's appearance, as it can hide many flaws in the dentition. The procedure can be performed in conjunction with facial enlargement or reduction; this helps to change the shape of the chin and make the appearance more aesthetic. When is an equator crown needed? Dental doctor Therefore, before deciding to undergo the procedure, you must consult a doctor for a comprehensive examination and determine the condition of the oral cavity. There are many nuances by which a doctor can assess the need for equatorial prosthetics and will not recommend installing a standard crown.

* The most reliable method of fastening is with metal pins. They are more durable than standard pins. With them, artificial linings become more reliable and durable. The pins serve as a support that holds the dental structure on the tooth, preventing it from falling out and ensuring reliable fastening. Among the disadvantages of this design, it is worth highlighting the need to grind the tooth separately - otherwise, the prosthesis cannot be secured. Moreover, a standard prosthesis is installed in 2–3 steps, while an equatorial one is installed in one. The second visit is carried out after fixing the pin and crown, which is beneficial in terms of saving time and money. To determine whether an equatorial dental structure is needed, you should conduct an examination, create a treatment plan, and ensure that the recommended