Cosmetic samples spread infections

In perfume and cosmetic stores, where you can test cosmetics and perfumes on yourself, there are dangers that many women do not think about. Russian cosmetologists confirm that the use of cosmetic samples can lead to infection with various diseases, including herpes, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the hair follicles of the eyelashes and other skin diseases.

The problem is that samples of thin creams, mascaras, eye shadows and lipsticks are a real source of bacteria and infections. They are frequently used by many people throughout the day and can pick up a lot of pathogens during that time. In addition, samples are often not cleaned or disinfected after each use, which can spread infection.

Cosmetologists claim that the use of cosmetic samples can lead to serious consequences, including infection with various diseases. For example, herpes can be transmitted through contact with lipstick and lip gloss samples. Conjunctivitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the lining of the eyes, can be transmitted through mascara samples. In addition, using eyeshadow and foundation samples can lead to infection of various skin diseases such as dermatitis and acne.

In order to avoid the risk of infection, experts recommend that women not touch cosmetic samples, but use proven products or products recommended by cosmetologists and friends. In addition, before using cosmetics and perfumes, you must thoroughly clean your skin and hands to avoid infection.

Finally, you should be aware of the expiration date of cosmetic products. Using expired products can also lead to infection and other skin problems. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly check the expiration date of cosmetics and perfumes, and remove outdated products from your cosmetic bag.

In conclusion, the use of cosmetic samples can lead to serious health consequences. Women should be especially careful when choosing cosmetics and perfumes, and follow the recommendations of cosmetologists to avoid the risk of infection.