Cosmetics for age spots on the face

Hyperpigmentation is an uneven distribution of melanin, which causes color changes in the epidermis. To reduce the coloration of individual areas of the skin, special bleaching agents are used to remove pigment spots on the skin. Depending on the type and principle of action, these can be masks, creams and emulsions.

Effective folk remedies for pigmentation

To combat age spots at home, whitening masks and homemade peelings are used. For their preparation, active components are used that can reduce melanin synthesis. These are fermented milk products, honey, potatoes, citrus fruits, some oils and herbal infusions.

Age spots on the face

The simplest and most affordable remedy for removing age spots is lemon juice. The fruit contains a huge amount of vitamin C and unique acids that quickly whiten problem areas. To use, simply cut a lemon and rub its juice on your skin. If the epidermis is too dry, it is recommended to treat it with citrus peel - it is saturated with oils, which will additionally help moisturize the skin.

Lemon for skin whitening

Helps against age spots or lentigo mask with honey and parsley. Both components have excellent lightening properties. To prepare the mixture you will need:

  1. 10 grams of honey;
  2. A bunch of parsley;
  3. Kaolin (optional for additional lifting effect).

Parsley needs to be chopped very finely and mixed with honey. To make it more convenient to combine the ingredients, it is recommended to heat the sweetness. If kaolin is added to the mask, then it must be additionally diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, and then add the pulp to the preparation. Apply the resulting substance to the face, neck and décolleté. Leave for 20 minutes, repeat every other day.

Parsley and honey mask

Another popular way to get rid of age spots is sweet pepper mask. This vegetable is rich in acids and mineral compounds that help whiten stains. Large bell peppers need to be grated. To prevent the juice from running down your body and clothes, you need to lightly squeeze the vegetable pulp. Then apply the product to the face and other problem areas. Keep for 15 minutes. Can be done daily. Reviews claim that this recipe is especially effective in winter, when the sun has minimal impact on the skin.

Helps against freckles and other age spots not associated with age-related changes in the epidermis yeast mask. It is ideal for young skin prone to acne and acne, as it has strong absorbent and tonic properties. To prepare it you will need:

  1. 25 grams of fresh yeast (dry will not work);
  2. 5 grams of lemon juice and the same amount of milk.

The milk is heated to a pleasant warmth, but there is no need to boil it. All the yeast is dissolved in it, after which citrus juice is added to the mixture. Apply the prepared liquid morning and evening to the face. You don't have to wash it off.

General tips on how to get rid of age spots on the face, body and hands:

  1. Rinse them regularly with chamomile decoction or parsley tincture (take 100 grams of greens per 200 ml of water);
  2. Introduce washing with milk into your daily routine. This method will not only significantly whiten hyperpigmented areas, but also strengthen the skin and protect it from aggressive external factors;
  3. In summer, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun without protective creams. You can use some available products: for example, shea butter and coconut oil.

Lightening skin with cucumber

The best pharmacy products for skin lightening

Folk remedies for age spots on the face cannot replace proper care. Therefore, they are used only as auxiliary whitening products. Unlike drugstores, most of which can give a head start to famous lightening creams and acids.

What pharmaceutical products help against age spots:

  1. Zinc ointment It is considered one of the most useful and affordable medicines. It is a thick white mixture consisting of paraffin and zinc oxide. It has the unique property of denaturing proteins, relieving inflammation, and soothing irritations. It must be applied pointwise to the affected areas, as it reduces local immunity;
  2. Salicylic acid. It is known for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Sold in the form of ointments, tablets, and solution (salicylic alcohol). To lighten age spots, tighten and refresh your facial skin, you need to take 1 tablet of acid. Crush it in a mortar and combine with 5 grams of day cream. Apply as a thick mask, wipe off the skin with paper towels after 20 minutes; Acetylsalicylic acid for age spots
  3. Tincture of calendula will help get rid of acne, scars, age spots. To prepare a refreshing and brightening tonic, you need to combine mineral water and tincture in equal parts. It is important to stir the solution thoroughly and shake before each use. Apply this product to your face morning and evening;
  4. Licorice root tincture. An excellent medicine that is most often prescribed by pediatricians to treat cough in children. But you can also wipe your face with it to whiten the skin from freckles and age-related pigmentation;
  5. Mumiyo – this is not exactly a pharmaceutical product, but rather a dietary supplement. Mountain resin is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, normalize melanin synthesis and strengthen collagen and elastane fibers. For lightening and gentle peeling, you can prepare a mixture of cream (as needed) and two mumiyo tablets. Apply the paste to the skin and leave for half an hour. Repeat daily. This method will also help get rid of stretch marks and deep wrinkles; Cosmetics for age spots on the face