Cosmetic ice for dark circles under the eyes

Cosmetic ice against dark circles under the eyes
Get into the habit of washing your face with an ice cube in the morning. Wipe not only your face and area around the eyes, but also your neck and décolleté.
Just don’t keep the ice in one place for a long time, the whole procedure is performed quickly, within a few seconds. Let the skin remain moist and absorb the nutrients, dry naturally, and then wash with cool water.
Here are several options for cosmetic ice:
Ice from a strong infusion of green tea - tones
Ice from lemon or grapefruit juice – whitens
Ice made from milk and water (in a 1:1 ratio) helps against bruises and bags under the eyes. For me this is the most effective remedy.
Ice made from crushed parsley with water. Parsley supplies the skin with vitamins and gets rid of dark circles.

The delicate skin around the eyes is the first sign of sleep deprivation, fatigue or age-related changes. How can you give your eyes expressiveness and shine? What can you use to remove swelling and bruises? Ice for the eyes will come to the rescue.

How ice cubes work

There is nothing unusual or magical about the action of ice. And although the result is visible almost instantly, it’s all about the skin’s natural reaction to cold. In contact with the surface of the skin, ice constricts the blood vessels, after which they expand and blood flows to this place faster. The temperature contrast leads to an acceleration of metabolism in cells.

Thanks to this reaction, the skin becomes more elastic, signs of fatigue disappear, and the process of aging and fading of the skin around the eyes is stopped. After this procedure, shine and radiance appear, and a healthy appearance returns.

In cosmetic stores you can find ready-made ice for the skin around the eyes. But the one prepared independently at home is much healthier, more effective and efficient. Moreover, there are a huge number of options for creating it.

Ice for the eyes - make healthy ice cubes at home.

To prepare “magic” cubes, both medicinal herbs and juice of vegetables and fruits, tea and even ordinary mineral water are suitable. How to use them? Let's figure it out.

— Recipe 1. Frozen ice for swollen eyes from a decoction of chamomile or sage. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry grass, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and pour into molds. To freeze. Use daily or as needed.

— Recipe 2. Ice from a decoction of birch buds will help eliminate oiliness and narrow pores. 1 tbsp. l. raw materials pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. Cool, pour into molds and place in the freezer.

You can add a couple of drops of lemon juice to this infusion. But you can only use these cubes for no more than three days in a row.

— Recipe 3. Green tea ice will help with swelling. To prepare the cubes, you need to brew not very strong green tea, pour it into molds and freeze. It is advisable to wipe the skin along the massage lines in the morning.

— Recipe 4. Ice for dark circles under the eyes from raw potato juice. To prepare this remedy, grate the potatoes, squeeze out the juice and freeze it either in its pure form or dilute it with mineral water in a 1:1 ratio. Wipe your skin in the morning, and the problem of dark circles will no longer bother you.

You can also use sea salt diluted with water, brewed coffee, milk, frozen pieces of berries and fruits as ingredients. The only rule: use those products to which you are not allergic. And then your eyes will enchant those around you with their beauty and healthy radiance.

Why do they occur and how to deal with them?

If we are overtired, do not get enough sleep, sit for hours in front of the monitor, this is reflected on our face: dark circles and “bags” under the eyes give us away. Why do they occur and how to deal with them?

Cosmetic defect

Dark circles are caused by thinning of the skin and dilation of veins: it is venous blood that gives the lower eyelid a bluish tint. The veins expand partly with age, after air travel, when our body reacts to pressure changes, and, in principle, after any stress. The first effective remedy against dark circles is good sleep.

With loss of moisture, the skin in the lower eyelid area becomes even more transparent - and the eyes look sunken. This may also be due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure: for some, the membrane between the skin of the eyelids and the subcutaneous fat is quite dense, while for others it is not. Therefore, some people have no signs of fatigue on their faces, while others have them visible right away. An effective remedy in this case is eye gymnastics.

  1. Close your eyes and slowly press your index fingers on the inner corners of your eyes several times.
  2. Close your eyes very, very hard, count to 5, then open your eyes sharply and as wide as possible. Relax for seconds and repeat the exercise 5 more times.

Of course, swelling and circles under the eyes can also be a manifestation of some internal pathology, but we are considering the option of a relatively healthy person with a cosmetic problem.

All cosmetic procedures that help cope with this problem are aimed at strengthening the skin of the lower eyelid and improving microcirculation (lymphatic and circulatory).

Ice cubes

At home, we can use ice cubes with dill and parsley. This simple procedure helps to quickly achieve a visible effect and is ideal for morning care. How to make ice? Take 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, steam a chopped bunch of dill along with parsley and let it brew. After it has cooled, filter this broth, pour it into a mold and freeze. Dill has a drainage effect and relieves swelling. Parsley whitens, normalizes the tone of the capillaries of the superficial vascular network, improves blood and lymph circulation. In the same way, you can brew and then freeze green tea: being an excellent antioxidant, it tones and refreshes the skin around the eyes.

For home use, serums and creams containing extracts of arnica, cornflower, red grapes, etc. are suitable - all of them strengthen the walls of blood vessels and normalize their tone. Caffeine has a draining effect, and the so-called “smart ingredients” - peptide complexes (short sequence of amino acids) give the skin a signal to produce components that strengthen the collagen framework and promote cell regeneration.


With age, when skin turgor decreases, ice cubes are no longer enough. In this case, we can use mesotherapy, that is, microinjections of biologically active substances. This technique stimulates metabolic processes at the cellular level and is recognized as perhaps the most effective in cosmetology. Mesotherapy cocktails include peptide, vitamin and amino acid complexes, being natural structural elements of the skin. Their synergistic effect is aimed at strengthening the dermis and restoring its functions.

During one mesotherapy session, many small intradermal injections are made. They can be more or less deep, but in any case, the techniques for administering the drug are different. Or, superficial microinjections are used, when the drug is injected to a depth of 0.5 mm. Or they use the papular technique, when they create a depot of the drug, where it gradually dissolves and exerts its effect. Mesotherapy is a course of procedures. Typically required once a week. After a certain number of procedures, the body will respond and will be able to maintain the achieved effect itself.


Biorevitalization helps to revive and strengthen the skin around the eyes, increase turgor and elasticity, when drugs with a high content of hyaluronic acid are injected intradermally (35 times higher than in human skin). Gradually breaking down into di- and monosaccharides, its molecules become the building material for our own hyaluronic acid, which, by the way, becomes less and less with age. That is, biorevitalization does not use a foreign component. If hyaluronic acid was originally extracted from rooster combs, it is now synthesized chemically. Therefore, it does not contain protein particles, does not carry protein loads - and does not cause allergic reactions. Microinjections are performed on the lower eyelids up to the ciliary edge. After the procedure, only temporary redness occurs, which lasts no more than half an hour, and a pronounced clinical effect occurs within

Gas-liquid peeling

Gas-liquid care techniques also help eliminate swelling and dark circles under the eyes. What is its principle? Jet gas-liquid skin treatment allows you to painlessly, contactlessly and effectively, like a manual massage, affect the skin around the eyes. A stream of saline solution is directed along the lines of massage movements and, as it were, pushes out excess fluid. This stream is very cold, so the gas-liquid procedure, like ice, trains the blood vessels and strengthens the vascular walls. Moreover, it affects not only the superficial capillary network, but also more deeply located vessels. This is how we influence both skin turgor and vascular tone so that they work more efficiently and better push blood and lymph, normalizing water metabolism and helping skin cells get rid of decay products.