Cosmetics for sensitive skin with rosacea

Cuperosis a condition in which there is a strong dilation of the superficial vessels on the chin, nose and cheekbones. The problem of rosacea occurs for various reasons. Most often, its appearance is caused by blood supply disorders, liver diseases, congenital fragility of blood vessels, frostbite, and vascular neurosis.

Couperosis occurs against the background of hypersensitive skin and causes a lot of trouble. Care for sensitive skin should be based on an integrated approach. Our article will tell you about its features.

Cosmetics for couperose-prone skin

Skin affected by rosacea requires especially careful treatment. Cosmetics for sensitive facial skin should not contain aggressive substances or abrasives.

Masks for such skin should have special components that help strengthen blood vessels and create an additional protective layer. It’s good if cosmetics for sensitive skin contain the following components:

  1. Extract of parsley, green tea, horse chestnut. Such components help strengthen the walls of capillaries. Vitamins C, B5, K, P also help strengthen small blood vessels;
  2. Amino acids in cosmetic creams help improve metabolism and deeply moisturize the skin;
  3. Linolenic and linoleic acids, which are part of nourishing creams, will prevent moisture loss and maintain the lipid barrier;
  4. Sensitive skin with rosacea needs to be intensively moisturized using creams that contain film-forming components;
  5. Essential oils (thyme, sage, rosemary, lemon balm) provide an excellent healing effect for sensitive skin. These components are mixed with olive oil and then applied to the skin. This method of combating rosacea is suitable only for those who are not prone to allergic reactions;
  6. In summer, for delicate skin, it is better to choose cosmetics that contain protection against UV radiation. Before going to bed, it is recommended to apply a soothing serum to thin skin;
  7. Cosmetics for sensitive skin with rosacea should not contain mint oil, alcohol-containing components, eucalyptus, fruit acids, aloe and honey;
  8. In case of severe rosacea, you need to purchase special cosmetics, which must be used under the strict supervision of a cosmetologist, adhering to a certain course.

How to choose the right cosmetics for sensitive skin with rosacea?

Delicate facial skin prone to rosacea should never be overloaded with cosmetics. All cosmetics for sensitive skin should be hypoallergenic. Now in many cosmetic stores you can purchase products for sensitive skin with a healing effect. What properties should such cosmetics have?

  1. When purchasing a mask for delicate skin, pay attention to such characteristics of the composition as nutritional value and ease of rinsing. You cannot buy film masks and hardening compounds;
  2. Peeling. Never buy scrubs with hard particles for delicate skin. They will hurt your face and make your skin even thinner. Give preference to gentle peeling, use products with a light exfoliating effect, and after washing, wipe your face with a soft terry glove.

Brushing leather

In spring and summer, try to protect your skin from harmful sun rays. Ultraviolet radiation is an extremely negative factor that will make delicate skin even thinner and more vulnerable. When going to the beach, be sure to take with you sunscreen for delicate skin with protective components against UV rays.

How to care for delicate skin with rosacea?

Care for thin facial skin should be comprehensive and gentle. For these purposes, it is better to give preference to gentle cosmetic products.

  1. Delicate skin should be cleansed using special products that can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic store;
  2. Sensitive skin requires good vitaminization, and for this it needs to be regularly wiped with cosmetic milk containing a complex of vitamins C, K, P. In general, for rosacea, these three vitamins can be used not only as part of cosmetics, but also separately from them;
  3. After applying the milk, the skin is wiped with a tonic lotion with a moisturizing effect. This product should contain active ingredients such as juniper, cypress, fir, chestnut, vitamins K and C;
  4. You can prepare a tonic for skin prone to the appearance of rosacea. To do this, brew 2 tbsp. chamomile flowers (taking half a liter of water). When the broth has cooled, filter it and add two well-crushed tablets of ascorutin. Twice a day, the prepared composition is applied to problem areas where capillaries appearing through the skin are very noticeable;
  5. Soaps, gels and alcohol toners should be excluded from your cosmetic bag. If you have delicate skin, you should not use ice cubes (made from herbal decoctions) and water of contrasting temperature as a tonic;
  6. Sensitive facial skin requires moisturizing and nourishing procedures. Cosmetic products for such skin should contain substances with a high concentration of active ingredients, and they should be applied to a well-cleaned face. These components include multivitamin complexes (tocopherols, vitamins K and A), moisturizing oils (grape seed oil and mallow extract have a good effect on rosacea).
  7. Masks for sensitive skin should be an integral part of your cosmetic bag. Such products should include collagen, then regular use will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles;
  8. For rosacea, the use of solid abrasive substances and heating agents is contraindicated. It is better to replace them with white clay masks (they have a mild exfoliating effect and have a beneficial effect on the skin);
  9. Apply masks and medicinal compositions to skin prone to rosacea using a soft cosmetic sponge or clean fingertips. Brushes with coarse bristles and hard sponges are not suitable for these purposes, as they can easily injure delicate skin.

Folk remedies for sensitive skin with rosacea

To effectively care for sensitive skin, you can use homemade cosmetic compositions prepared according to folk recipes. Treatment of rosacea on the face will be more effective if it is carried out comprehensively.

That is, medications prescribed by a doctor can be successfully combined with recipes from the folk piggy bank. In all folk recipes, plant-based compositions are used to prepare masks and lotions.

Delicate skin tolerates cosmetics well, which contain licorice root extract and chestnut extract. Seed and chamomile have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. Caring for sensitive skin involves using a variety of light masks made from natural products.

Masks for sensitive skin will help to effectively moisturize and saturate it with the necessary nutritional components. We invite readers to familiarize themselves with several recipes for such masks.

  1. Herbal mask. It is made from a mixture of medicinal herbs. Such a mask must contain components such as horse chestnut flowers, potato starch, yarrow, chamomile, horsetail, and calendula. All of the listed ingredients are mixed and diluted with warm water (to form a thick paste). The herbal composition is applied to gauze and then placed on the face. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with a special tincture made from yarrow or chamomile flowers. To prepare this lotion, take 200 ml. water and 1 spoon of medicinal herb;
  2. Fresh berry mask. For its preparation, sea buckthorn, raspberries, strawberries or lingonberries are used. They can be used whole, or juice can be prepared from the fruits by adding a dessert spoon of starch;
  3. Healing mask made from raw potato tubers. Potato tubers are peeled and grated. The resulting composition is applied to the face for 15 minutes. To remove the mask, a chamomile decoction or a decoction of calendula flowers is best;
  4. Flower pollen mask. Flower pollen (a teaspoon) is ground with the same amount of honey, a few drops of lingonberry, currant and strawberry juice are added (can be replaced with purified water). The mask is applied for 15 minutes, then washed off with infusion of calendula or chamomile. Before using this mask, you need to conduct an allergen test by applying a small amount of the mixture to your wrist;
  5. Sometimes with rosacea it is good to make lotions from herbal decoctions. For example, chamomile infusion helps well, as well as decoctions of marigold flowers, yarrow, and horsetail. A mixture of these herbs (1 tablespoon) should be poured with warm water, and then simmered over low heat for 5 minutes. The resulting broth must be cooled and strained. Moisten gauze in the resulting healing composition and apply it to the face as a lotion. Keep the mask on for at least 15 minutes, after which it is recommended to lubricate the face with a medicinal composition of marigolds;
  6. For severe rosacea, you need to take marigold, chamomile, and yarrow internally. Sea buckthorn, strawberries, lingonberries, parsley and fruits high in vitamin C also give a good effect.

Treatment of rosacea from the inside

Since rosacea occurs against the background of weakening of superficial vessels, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen the capillaries. These include, in particular:

  1. The drug ascorutin helps strengthen blood vessels. It must be consumed regularly to obtain a lasting effect;
  2. Preparations containing vitamin C and ginkgo biloba extract;
  3. Chokeberry helps strengthen capillary vessels;
  4. The drug "Capilar", which contains extract of Siberian larch.

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Now you know how to care for sensitive skin. Thanks to the recommendations and recipes presented in the article, you can quickly cope with the symptoms of rosacea and strengthen capillary vessels. Remember that delicate skin requires especially careful treatment; it is necessary to select delicate and soft cosmetics for it.

You need to take special care of skin prone to rosacea. And choose appropriate care products. Preferably - after consultation with a cosmetologist.

  1. Features of skin with rosacea
  2. Composition of care products
  3. Rules for caring for sensitive skin with rosacea
  4. Review of cosmetics for skin care with rosacea
  5. Homemade recipes for rosacea care products
  6. Precautionary measures

Features of skin with rosacea

Spider veins are a sure sign of rosacea. © Getty Images

Externally, rosacea manifests itself in the form of a network of blood vessels, which is clearly visible through the skin. And this does not cause the most pleasant emotions. According to statistics, women suffer more often from vascular problems than men. And those with thin, light skin are more susceptible to rosacea. Dark skin is denser and better able to resist negative external influences.

Skin prone to rosacea often has increased sensitivity, which manifests itself in the form of an unpleasant burning sensation.

Couperosis occurs for various reasons. The vascular wall loses its elasticity; under blood pressure, the vessels dilate, but cannot return to their previous state. Remaining expanded, they become noticeable on the face.

Cuperosis can be triggered by:

love of coffee in the morning and a glass of wine in the evening;

taking hormonal pills;

sudden changes in temperature;

stress and even a conversation in a raised voice, during which blood pressure rises.

Composition of care products

When choosing cosmetics for skin care, make sure that it contains ingredients that strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Remember just three letters: C, K, R. These three vitamins are vital for skin with rosacea.

Vitamin PP reduces capillary fragility.

Vitamin K seals the walls of blood vessels.

Vitamin C stimulates collagen synthesis.

Rutin (rutoside) reduces capillary permeability.

Escin reduces the fragility of capillaries and restores their permeability.

Betulin makes blood vessels more elastic, improves blood flow and reduces swelling.

Panthenol (provitamin B5) heals, stimulates skin renewal, fights inflammation, and nourishes.

Potassium reduces the permeability of blood vessels and increases the density of their walls.

Rules for caring for sensitive skin with rosacea

Drinks that are too hot are not suitable for skin with rosacea. © Getty Images

If you have rosacea, the following is not recommended for care:

cleanse the skin with gels and foams, use aggressive scrubs;

wash your face with too hot or too cold water;

use tonics and other cosmetics containing alcohol;

do mechanical and chemical peeling in the salon;

use creams with fruit acids, menthol, honey and aloe - they sharply stimulate blood circulation, which is dangerous for fragile blood vessels;

do a classic facial massage (for skin with rosacea, only plastic massage is acceptable);

sunbathe a lot (it is better to avoid the sun altogether).

All you need is to regularly care for your face using special products for skin with fragile capillaries. They help protect against negative external influences that make capillaries more fragile. Ingredients that have the property of strengthening blood vessels will also not be superfluous.


You can only wash your face with warm water, and after washing it is better to let the skin dry on its own or pat your face dry with a thin paper napkin.

For intensive cleansing, use gentle scrubs with round synthetic granules. Apply them with your fingertips, not with a brush or sponge.

“Avoid harsh cleansers to avoid drying out your skin. Choose cosmetics designed to care for skin prone to redness. Micellar water for sensitive skin can be a cleansing product. To wash your face, use water at room temperature; hot water causes dilation of blood vessels and stagnation of blood, and cold water causes spasm, which increases their fragility.”


Since skin with rosacea most often needs special care, the recommendation to use a tonic or lotion becomes even more relevant than in other cases.


You can and should use creams that strengthen the skin and regularly make nourishing and moisturizing masks. The skin with fragile blood vessels is very thin, and facial wrinkles appear on it early.


Choose creams with oils, omega-3 and -6 fatty acids to restore the skin's lipid mantle.

Sun protection

Review of cosmetics for skin care with rosacea

If you know that your skin is prone to rosacea, try to minimize the external influences that provoke it and use well-chosen cosmetics.

Moisturizing emulsion for skin prone to redness, Rosaliac UV, SPF 15, La Roche-Posay

The complex of vitamins CG and PP strengthens the walls of blood vessels and soothes reactive skin. More about the product

Cream “Moisturizing Expert” for sensitive skin, L’Oréal Paris

The product is designed specifically for skin prone to redness. Contains vitamin E, camellia and almond oils. The effect is hydration and a feeling of comfort. More about the product

Serum Or Rouge Serum, Yves Saint Laurent

Saffron flower extract solves several important problems at once: protects the skin thanks to its antioxidant effect, soothes, evens out the complexion. More about the product

Soothing facial emulsion Life Plankton Sensitive Emulsion, Biotherm

Soothes and strengthens the skin thanks to the thermal plankton extract included in the composition. More about the product

Sheet mask “Hydration + Comfort” with chamomile extract, Garnier

Relieves redness, eliminates discomfort, moisturizes the skin thanks to hyaluronic acid and glycerin. More about the product

Homemade recipes for rosacea care products

Everything you need to know: couperose skin doesn't like experiments. Just take it for granted and don’t test its strength with homemade masks. Still don't believe me? Let us present the arguments.

The shelf life of many handmade products does not exceed 1–2 days. It is irrational to prepare a cream for one-time use, so there is always a temptation to use it longer than is safe for the skin.

Homemade cosmetics should be stored in the refrigerator, and using cold products for rosacea is dangerous.

If the homemade cream has too thick a texture and contains a lot of oils, then the thermoregulation of the skin may be disrupted. This stimulates blood circulation, which is undesirable for rosacea.

If it is vital for you to use homemade cosmetics, do not look on the Internet for recipes for masks against rosacea (they will only worsen the situation). Better focus your efforts on moisturizing - here are a few masks suitable for this.

Skin with rosacea requires professional care. © Getty Images

Berry mask


several blueberries, cranberries or lingonberries (5–20 pieces, depending on size);

1 teaspoon starch.

How to prepare and use:

grind the berries into puree;

apply a thick layer of the mask;

after 15 minutes, rinse with water;

apply moisturizer.

Chamomile compress


a handful of chamomile inflorescences;

gauze for compress.

How to prepare and use:

brew chamomile with boiling water;

let the broth brew;

drain the inflorescences in a colander;

soak gauze with broth;

Place a compress (not hot!) on cleansed skin for 15 minutes.

Potato mask


1 raw potato tuber;

1 tablespoon olive oil.

How to prepare and use:

grate the potatoes on a fine grater;

apply a layer of mask, let it dry a little and apply the remaining mixture;

after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Precautionary measures

To avoid exacerbation and weakening of the walls of blood vessels, it is worth reviewing your diet and lifestyle.

Avoid spicy and too hot foods and alcohol.

Cosmetologists also do not recommend fatty dairy products (sour cream and cheese), chocolate, pickled vegetables, citrus fruits and legumes.

Forget about the bathhouse and sauna. Any overheating, like hypothermia, aggravates the fragility of blood vessels.

Characteristics in the rating

1 Vichy-Idealia Better efficiency
2 Lierac Rosilogie Instant action. Lasting result
3 Holy Land Day Care BIO REPAIR Professional product. Double sun protection
4 Avene Antirougers forte High quality
5 La Roche-Posay - Rosaliac UV RICHE Best for sensitive skin. Economical consumption
6 Bioderma-Sensibio forte Quick effect
7 Ciracle Anti-Redness K Cream Ideal for dry and damaged skin
8 Uriage-Roseliane Excellent protection against temperature extremes
9 Bark Capillary protector The best ratio of price and quality
10 Nature Siberica Protection and hydration Affordable price

Cuperosis is a disease associated with weakening of blood vessels and the appearance of spider veins, enlarged veins, and redness on the face. The vessels become less elastic and blood stagnates in them. This causes redness. Favorite places for the disease are the wings of the nose, cheeks, and chin.

If signs of rosacea appear, you need to analyze your lifestyle. Correct it, replenish vitamin deficiencies, monitor nutrition. To improve the appearance of your skin, you should choose the right product for your specific skin type. In case of severe disease, it is necessary to use effective drugs purchased at the pharmacy. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular and popular products in the following selection of the 10 best creams for rosacea on the face.

Top 10 best creams for rosacea on the face

10 Nature Siberica Protection and hydration

The most effective cream for redness and mild rosacea from the mass market is Nature Siberica “Protection and Moisturizing”. The product contains Rhodiola rosea extract, allantoyl, vitamin P, and hyaluric acid. An undeniable plus is the content of SPF protection factors. A special feature can be considered a 99% natural composition, without the content of silicones, parabens, mineral oils.

Products from Nature Siberica have proven themselves to be the best in their segment. Lovers of natural cosmetics choose Nature Siberica. Representatives of the fair sex note that the drug moisturizes the skin well and removes minor redness. However, due to its light texture, use is possible only in the warm season. Use the product daily, in the morning under makeup. A nice bonus is the fight against wrinkles. Another advantage is the convenient packaging with a dispenser.

9 Bark Capillary protector

Cream from a domestic manufacturer is the best budget remedy for rosacea. The composition allows you to strengthen capillaries, remove spider veins and redness. Active ingredients are thermal water, betaine, verbena, vitamin C, green tea extract, shea butter, avocado oil, Japanese Sophora. The advantage of the product is the effect of slowing down skin aging.

With regular use, users record excellent results. Uniform complexion, smoothing of wrinkles, good hydration - these are the visible effects of use. The manufacturer recommends applying Capillary Protector 1-2 times a day, after using thermal water, to achieve a pronounced result. Among the disadvantages, one can note the high consumption due to the packaging in the form of a can, but this aspect does not affect the quality of the result. With regular use you can achieve excellent results.

8 Uriage-Roseliane

The drug from Uriage is rightfully considered an effective remedy for rosacea. The brand's products undergo strict testing by dermatologists and pharmacists. Roseliane is no exception. The composition includes the following active ingredients: Uriage thermal water, ginseng and red algae extracts, shea butter, patented TLR2-Regul and SK5R complexes. They will help remove redness on the face, dryness and burning sensations.

Positive opinions can be found everywhere. Users note that Uriage-Roseliane is an excellent cream for the winter. We can say that this is the best product in the temperature protection segment. The texture is melting, with a pleasant aroma. All redness is hidden perfectly due to the presence of green pearlescent particles in the composition. It is recommended to use in the morning and evening. It can also be used under makeup. However, it must be taken into account that it may not be suitable for oily skin in the summer due to the appearance of an oily sheen (due to the oil in the composition). Otherwise, Uriage has earned the love of women all over the world for its performance.

7 Ciracle Anti-Redness K Cream

A prominent representative of the rating of creams against rosacea can be called Ciracle Anti-Redness K Cream. In Korea, like nowhere else, they take care to ensure that the face is in perfect condition. Therefore, choosing a Korean manufacturer to treat the disease is the right decision. The most active ingredient in the composition is vitamin K, which strengthens blood vessels and eliminates redness. The composition also includes Asian centella extract, hyaluronic acid, sunflower oil, lavender oil, jojoba oil, lecithin. The components help relieve inflammation, nourish and moisturize, smooth out fine wrinkles, and increase elasticity.

Many users note the effectiveness of Anti-Redness. The product is more suitable for dry, damaged and sensitive dermis. When living in a large metropolis, the use of Ciracle Anti-Redness is extremely necessary. Some users have noted that it can clog pores (due to the presence of oils in the composition). But if the drug suits your skin type, the effect will not be long in coming.

6 Bioderma-Sensibio forte

The most popular cream for inflamed dermis is a representative of the French pharmacy cosmetics Bioderma. They are used not only to combat rosacea, but also during periods of acute exacerbation of the skin: peelings, burns, severe irritations. Each Bioderm product is formulated with the brand's proprietary thermal plankton. Sensibio forte was no exception. Other active ingredients are: licorice root extract, vitamin E, beeswax, shea phytosterols, allantoin.

The recipe allows you to achieve the fastest effect. Women praised the product for its immediate action. It can be applied up to three times a day. After use, a moisturizing and calming effect is provided. Many users use Sensibio as an SOS cream. This is the best drug for restoring inflamed dermis, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Most reviews confirm its effectiveness for rosacea. Due to its dense texture, it must be used mainly in the cold season. However, as a local remedy for redness and irritation, Bioderma is an indispensable assistant.

5 La Roche-Posay – Rosaliac UV RICHE

Cream from the famous pharmacy brand La Roche-Posay strengthens the walls of blood vessels, removes irritation and redness. This is the best anti-flaking option that can be purchased at the pharmacy. Effectiveness is achieved due to the presence of the following ingredients: vitamins CG and PP, caffeine, shea butter. The structure also contains SPF filters as additional protection for the walls of blood vessels.

For reactive and very sensitive skin, a cosmetic product from La Roche-Posay is a life-saving option. Buyers note that it soothes, tones, and moisturizes. On the Internet, most reviews about Rosaliac UV RICHE are positive. The drug must be used daily in the morning and evening. Convenient packaging, economical consumption, visible results - these are the main positive aspects noted by La Roche-Posay users.

4 Avene Antirougers forte

French cosmetics have always been effective. The drug from Avene is suitable for sensitive skin with local redness or initial signs of rosacea. The product is able to cope with microcapillaries, remove irritation, redness, and a burning sensation from the inside. The main ingredient is Avene thermal water, which soothes the epidermis, the effectiveness of which has been proven for years (more than 150 clinical studies). Rakus extract will improve complexion and relieve heat. It is worth noting that the cream is applied during the daytime, as it contains SPF filters. Can be used under makeup.

Experts in the field of cosmetology and dermatology from all over the world speak about the effectiveness of the product. Representatives of the fair sex note that during use, redness disappears from the face and small capillaries decrease. Avene exhibits its most effective properties after a month of constant use. However, sometimes consumers noticed that the effect of Antirougers did not linger after the end of the course of use. For long-lasting and long-lasting results, it is necessary to use it on a regular basis. Then its greatest effectiveness will be felt.

3 Holy Land Day Care BIO REPAIR

Holy Land is professional cosmetics made in Israel. The brand's products can often be seen in beauty salons. Dermatologists note the cream for rosacea as the best among its competitors. The active ingredients are bifidobacteria lysate, collagen, vitamin E, elastin, sodium lactate, glycine, inositol. Contained benzophenone-3 provides double protection against sun exposure. This distinguishes BIO REPAIR from its analogues on the market.

Having a soft texture, Holy Land removes the manifestations of the disease and soothes the skin. Buyers note that with regular use, water balance is restored, complexion is evened out, redness goes away, and spider veins are reduced. The drug is applied 1-2 times a day, as a base for makeup or as an independent product. Due to its light texture, it is more suitable for summer. Otherwise, the advantages of BIO REPAIR are undeniable.

2 Lierac Rosilogie

A drug from a French manufacturer, which pleases with lasting results for rosacea. The active ingredients of the product are: butcher's broom extract, prebiotic, shea butter, green pigments, sea water, mantle extracts, horsetail, and common ivy. The combination of components allows you to relieve inflammation and swelling, redness, normalize the microflora of the epidermis, eliminate burning and tightness, and vascular network. What sets Lierac Rosilogie apart from its competitors is its immediate impact on the problem.

Based on neurovascular studies, the manufacturer claims that a lasting effect from use will be achieved within a month. Pleasant texture, scents of jasmine, gardenia and musk make the application special. Representatives of the fair sex claim that the cream copes better than others with neutralizing redness on the face. The most correct use is to apply it twice a day after the skin cleansing stage, then the effect will not be long in coming.

1 Vichy-Idealia

One of the most popular is the drug from Vichy, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. The manufacturer makes the base mineralizing thermal water VICHY and adds secret ingredients - fermented black tea extract, blueberry extract and adenosine. Idealia will moisturize your face for 24 hours, even out the texture, give a uniform color, remove redness, and restore radiance. The product is perfect for applying makeup.

The product is designed for several skin types: dry, normal and combination. Consumers note moisturizing properties, soft texture, pleasant smell. It is better to use it in the morning after cleansing. As part of the fast pace of life in the metropolis, the cream will protect against negative external influences. An expensive glass jar is very beautiful, but not everyone likes the packaging format without a dispenser, as consumption increases. Perhaps this is the only negative. Most women noted that Vichy-Idealia is the most effective in the fight against rosacea and redness.