Wax-based cosmetics

Facial and body care is a popular procedure for both men and women. In the modern world of fashion and beauty, all products are aimed at restoring and maintaining youthful skin. There are many new technologies and various procedures using modern means, but many women still use proven "grandmother's" recipes.

What is cosmetic wax?

In the scientific world, wax is a mixture of simple lipids of natural or synthetic origin. Natural beeswax does not contain glycerin - this substance is added to the lipid mixture to soften, dilute and reduce its density. As a matter of fact, in cosmetology, ordinary beeswax is used, to which glycerin and some other substances are added. For example, many manufacturing companies saturate the product with large amounts of vitamins, minerals or add herbs.

Beneficial properties of beeswax

Beeswax is produced by the glands of honeybees, and they use it to build honeycombs. This substance is rich in nutrients that can soften and moisturize tissue. The wax contains honey, which means it is rich in vitamins and microelements. The lipid composition of the substance promotes skin rejuvenation and activation of regeneration processes.


Currently, they are trying to apply the wonderful properties of beeswax in almost every area of ​​life. Candles, figurines, medicines and medicines are made from it, added to some products and widely used in cosmetology. Cosmetic beeswax is so widespread these days that it can be found on almost every woman’s table. In various beauty salons you will be offered a variety of nutritional and skin rejuvenation treatments using bee products.

Contraindications to the use of beeswax

People with allergic reactions to any bee products should avoid using the miracle cure. People who are prone to various kinds of reactions to natural substances should also be careful.

If you purchase a mask or other cosmetic product in a store or pharmacy, make sure that the composition does not include products to which you are allergic.

The salon should also clarify all the nuances regarding your health in order to avoid unwanted consequences after cosmetic procedures.

Cosmetic wax for face

Few people know that honey and various bee waste products have been used since ancient times to care for the skin of the face and neck.

Beeswax can help treat skin acne as well as other inflammatory conditions. To do this, the substance must be unrefined (yellow in color), because only in this form does it retain a large amount of vitamin A. If expensive procedures in the salon are not suitable for you, then at home you can prepare an excellent remedy for acne on the face. To do this, mix 10 grams of cosmetic wax (beeswax), heated to body temperature, with 5 ml of grapefruit juice (preferably freshly squeezed) and 5 grams of white coal. This mass should be applied to previously cleansed facial skin for 15-20 minutes.

For intense hydration, add 5 grams of olive oil and starch to 10 g of beeswax. It is best to apply the mask before going to bed for 10-15 minutes, so your face can rest and be saturated with the beneficial properties of the wax even more.

To restore tired and sagging skin, you can add vitamin E, sour cream and rose essential oil to the lipid mixture. This will help give your skin a glowing appearance and a light pink scent.

If you add a decoction of chamomile and ginger to cosmetic wax, you will get an excellent cleanser.

Many women know that if you add vitamin C and ascorutin to wax heated with olive oil or jojoba, you will get an indispensable mask during the cold season. This is maximum nutrition and hydration at the same time.

The carrot mask perfectly nourishes the skin and gives it a natural shade of light tan. To do this, add the juice of freshly squeezed carrots, or with pulp, to the melted wax. For more intense nutrition, it is recommended to add a couple of drops of olive oil.

If you mix sour cream, carrot, potato and lemon juice and add this mixture to warm beeswax, you will get an excellent remedy for the face against bad weather. And if you have lanolin and wheat germ oil at home, then you can give your skin maximum saturation with nutrients.

Hair mask recipes

There is an opinion that hair is a dead structure that is simply impossible to restore. However, you can still achieve a luxurious shine and silkiness with the help of masks. Cosmetic wax as part of special hair products gives it softness, elasticity and shine. This product works on the principle of sealing hair scales.

Cosmetic hair wax can be used to prepare a mask: melt 5 g of wax in a water bath (if you have long hair, you can take more), then add coconut oil and 5 drops of orange essential oil to it. Mix all this and apply to hair along the entire length or only to the ends for 20-30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm running water.

You can add olive oil to the wax along with ylang-ylang essential oil. This mask will replace an intense moisturizing balm.

A fairly complex and multi-component composition of a mask for split ends can make your hair healthy and beautiful at any time of the year. To do this, in a separate container you need to mix castor and coconut oil, wax, flax seed and palm oil, argan oil, vitamins A and E. All the ingredients included in this end pomade have a targeted effect on damaged hair to restore it.


It's no secret that women have been using bee products for quite a long time to remove excess body hair. Depilation procedures using products that contain cosmetic wax have become quite popular.

Today, many cosmetics manufacturers offer ready-made wax-based hair removal products in various interpretations: strips, tapes, as well as the substance in jars with special spatulas and fabric strips.

For those who want to make cosmetic wax for depilation at home, there are many recipes. For example, mix 350 grams of honey and 100 ml of water, into which we squeeze the juice of half a lemon. We begin to cook this mixture until the honey becomes liquid, and then add another 100 ml of water and cook again, stirring constantly. When the wax is prepared, it will become like a thick syrup; this mixture must be cooled to the required temperature and used for its intended purpose. You can add your favorite essential oils drop by drop as fragrances.

Remember, to remove with wax, the hair length must be at least 5 mm, otherwise the procedure will be useless.

Hand mask recipes

Many nail technicians offer their clients the procedure of sealing their hands with wax. This is quite a fashionable and useful brush treatment that helps maintain youthful skin and also promotes maximum hydration.

Cosmetic wax for hands can be easily made at home. Add vitamins A and E, aloe extract, as well as coconut or jojoba oil, or olive oil to the wax. Apply to previously scrubbed skin of the hands for 15-20 minutes. It is best to wear cosmetic gloves for maximum effect.

Basic principles of wax preparation

Before you create a mask for the face, body or hair from wax, you need to prepare it. Not everyone knows how to use cosmetic wax correctly. Do not use plastic or glass containers for this substance. It is better to give preference to aluminum, stainless steel or wood. The wax should be heated in a water bath - other methods destroy all the beneficial substances in it.

If the recipe requires a hard wax consistency, then it should be grated on a coarse grater or kneaded in gauze. The finished mask must be applied to cleansed skin for 15-30 minutes - this time is quite enough, because it begins to act immediately after application.

Beeswax is a substance from which bees make honeycombs. The composition of this natural product is quite complex. It contains hundreds of biologically active substances and mineral elements. Beeswax is used in various fields, and is most in demand in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology. Its use is recommended for skin diseases, facial rejuvenation, hand and hair care. Cosmetics based on natural products can be bought in specialized stores or made with your own hands. Let's tell you more about using beeswax for hair and face at home.

About the properties of wax

The natural bee product includes many components that are beneficial for the skin and hair. These are vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, alcohols and esters. Cream and wax masks can have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, softening and healing effect. They also improve the hair structure and strengthen the roots.

There are many known positive effects from the use of bee cosmetics:

  1. tones the skin of the hands and face;
  2. improves complexion, gives the skin a healthy appearance;
  3. helps get rid of shallow wrinkles;
  4. stimulates blood circulation in capillaries, improves nutrition of skin and hair;
  5. relieves redness, inflammation, rash;
  6. eliminates acne and blackheads;
  7. saturates the skin and hair with vitamin A;
  8. removes toxic components from the skin.

To make a wax-based cream or mask at home, it is useful to take into account the following nuances:

  1. Beeswax comes in different shades: from light to almost black. For cosmetic masks, it is better to purchase the yellow product because it is rich in vitamin A.
  2. To use in cosmetology, wax must be melted. It melts in a water bath in a ceramic bowl. You can also use a container made of heat-resistant glass or aluminum.
  3. Heat the wax over low heat and stir constantly to prevent lumps from appearing. For easy melting, the product is pre-grated.
  4. When adding other components to the wax, warm them up so that it does not curdle.
  5. If you are going to add essential oil to the wax, test it on your hand. This is an allergy test.

Having prepared a useful mask, do not forget that you need to carefully observe the timing of cosmetic procedures - a wax mask should not be kept on your face for more than half an hour. If your skin feels dry and tight after using the product, use a moisturizer.

Recipes for facial skin care

Homemade cosmetics for the care of the skin of the face, neck and hands based on beeswax have been popular for a long time. We invite you to try effective masks and creams that will heal your skin and give it natural beauty.

For oily skin

To completely cleanse oily facial skin, cosmetologists recommend periodically performing a simple procedure.

  1. You need to melt one spoon of wax and apply it to your face while it is still warm.
  2. Then wait until it hardens and carefully remove it.

After using a simple wax mask, the water balance in all layers of the skin improves, the pores are cleaned and blood circulation is normalized. In addition, you will be pleasantly surprised by another effect of such a mask - lifting.

For dry skin

If you suffer from dry hands and face, try a moisturizing vitamin mask with peach (avocado) oil.

  1. To do this, combine a spoonful of oil with a spoonful of glycerin.
  2. The resulting mixture is gradually poured into the melted wax, constantly stirring the composition.
  3. The finished mask is applied to the hands, nails and face in a thin layer and washed off after 15–20 minutes with warm water.
  4. After the procedure, it is recommended to use a nourishing cream.

For sensitive skin

To relieve irritation from sensitive skin, we can recommend a light carrot-wax mask.

It’s easy to prepare it at home:

  1. Mix half a teaspoon of hot wax with a small amount of olive oil (if you don’t have it, butter will do).
  2. When the mixture has cooled a little, add a spoonful of fresh carrot juice to it and mix vigorously. That's all, the soothing mask is ready.
  3. Apply it periodically to your face and enjoy beautiful smooth skin!

For rejuvenation

A simple anti-aging recipe will help restore the blooming appearance of aging skin.

  1. Melt half a spoon of bee product in a water bath and add a teaspoon of avocado oil and olive oil.
  2. Stir the mixture thoroughly without removing it from the bath.
  3. After making sure that the mixture has become homogeneous, add a spoonful of honey to it.

A rejuvenating mask will make your skin silky and elastic, smooth out wrinkles, give you a blooming appearance and a great mood. It is suitable for both face and hands.

Help with acne

Using hair wax

Beeswax is a popular hair care product. With its help, for example, you can fix your hair well. Styling products based on natural wax do not harm hair, are easy to use and affordable.

And for damaged, split ends and brittle curls, a wax mask is just a godsend. The bee product will strengthen them, enrich them with useful components, give them health, strength and a pleasant shine. Anyone can easily make hair wax cosmetics at home.

  1. To do this, you need to take half a glass of planed wax and melt it.
  2. While heating, add a spoonful of coconut oil and a glass of olive oil, stirring the mixture constantly.
  3. When the beeswax for hair has cooled, you need to add a little ylang-ylang oil to it.

The finished mask is applied slowly along the entire length of the hair, and after half an hour, washed off with shampoo. Now your curls will always be well-groomed, beautiful and healthy!

Nail care

Using any beeswax-based product, you can effectively care for your nails, strengthening them and improving their appearance. To do this, regularly rub a little wax cream into your nails and the skin around them. Beeswax not only enriches the nail plates with useful components, but also creates a thin film around them. This helps protect your nails from the harmful effects of external factors.

Anyone who even superficially imagines the life of bees knows that beeswax is an ideal building material for the construction of honeycombs. But this does not limit the range of its application, which affects a variety of areas.

For example, beeswax is an excellent way to protect cheese from mold and to protect fruits from water loss. It is used to make dietary supplements and is added to soft gelatin capsules for tablets. And this is only a small part of the areas where wax can be used.

But what does beeswax have to do with cosmetology and why is it so important in the production of cosmetics? The thing is that beeswax, like other products produced in the apiary, has a number of therapeutic properties that are extremely useful in cosmetology. This will be discussed further.

Why is beeswax used in cosmetology?

The protective and nutritional properties of beeswax, its ability to thicken and stabilize emulsions - all this has found application in cosmetology.

The range of applications of beeswax in the production of cosmetics includes balms and lip glosses, whitening, nourishing, astringent, sunscreens for hands, face and body, moisturizing and cleansing masks, eye shadows and mascara, lipstick and blush, shaving products, hair care, nail care, coloring products and even deodorants.

So why is beeswax so popular in cosmetology?

First of all, due to its chemical and natural properties. The wax is waterproof, not subject to oxidation, has chemical resistance, has a high melting point and a fairly hard structure. It is a natural emulsifier (easily mixed with any oils).

All these features make beeswax one of the indispensable components in the production of cosmetics, which acts as a thickener, structure-forming component, preservative and stable base.

Wax affects the heat resistance and density of cosmetic products, gives them hardness, matte, plasticity, and is also used in creams intended for feet, hands, lips, skin protectants and other cosmetic products as an emollient ingredient.

Preparations that are created on the basis of wax have an excellent structure and are perfectly stored.

Natural beeswax is superior in spectrum of action and composition to any synthetic component used in the production of similar cosmetics. As part of creams, ointments and masks, wax helps get rid of wrinkles, makes the skin soft and well-groomed, prolonging its youth.

The unusually rich chemical composition of wax enhances the positive effects of cosmetic preparations on the skin.

What are the benefits of beeswax for skin?

Even a very superficial acquaintance with the healing properties of this product, created by nature itself, gives an idea of ​​the incredible benefits of beeswax for the face and skin condition in general. Let's look at some of its beneficial properties.

It is difficult to find a more effective natural moisturizer in nature than wax. Its ability to attract and retain the optimal amount of water in skin cells is the best guarantee that the skin will always be elastic, beautiful and smooth.

Wax, having the unique property of protecting the skin from harmful external influences, turning into an imperceptible and invisible film in the cream, does not at all interfere with the skin’s ability to breathe. Thanks to this product, skin dryness is significantly reduced, it is protected from dehydration and premature aging.

  1. Softening, nourishing and healing

Possessing anti-inflammatory properties, beeswax perfectly heals wounds, cracks, burns and other damage. Any preparation with beeswax can be used as an antipruritic and wound healing agent. This is partly due to the presence of vitamin A in its composition, which regulates the normal development of the skin epithelium and cells. It treats skin diseases and protects it from the harmful effects of aggressive substances.

  1. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect

Regular use of beeswax in creams and masks, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, leads to good results in the treatment of many skin diseases (redness, acne, pimples). The effectiveness of such procedures is ensured due to the peculiarity of beeswax not to clog skin pores.

Using wax in home cosmetology

Natural cosmetics cost a lot of money if you buy them in salons and cosmetic stores. But you can also prepare a lot of different and healthy nourishing creams, masks and scrubs at home based on such a natural bee product as wax.

Most of the ingredients for homemade cosmetics can probably be found in your medicine cabinet or kitchen. And the missing components can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy. The only thing that can be difficult is finding quality wax. It is better to buy it (like other beekeeping products) from a beekeeper who guarantees the suitability and effectiveness of the wax.

The advantage of making homemade cosmetics is that you can take numerous recipes as a basis, and then, using your imagination, you can create many of your own options. This process is extremely exciting and creative.

You can change the components recommended in a particular recipe for your favorite ones, select them to suit yourself, come up with new ideas, and experiment. A small quantitative deviation of one or another component in one direction or another will not lead to any fatal side effects. Well, except that it may affect the physical characteristics of the prepared product (it may turn out to be too thick or, on the contrary, too liquid).

Rules for preparing wax-based cosmetics

  1. When making homemade creams and masks, it is often recommended to use purified wax. Although not everyone supports this point of view.
  2. The permissible concentration of beeswax in cosmetics is 0.5-10% of the total mass. It depends on the purpose of the cosmetic product. For example, it is not recommended to use more than 1% beeswax in face protection products. In creams and masks intended for oily and problem skin, the amount of wax should not exceed 0.5%.
  3. You can use not only fresh wax, just obtained in the apiary, but also stored for a long time in a separate sealed container.
  4. The wax can only be heated in a water bath, stirring constantly, in a container made of heat-resistant glass, aluminum or in an enamel container. Copper, cast iron, or iron utensils should not be used to melt wax to prevent a reaction between certain types of metal with the fatty acids contained in the wax.
  5. When preparing the base for cosmetics on fire, you cannot go away and leave this process uncontrolled. Wax is a flammable product.
  6. Beeswax used in making homemade cosmetics should not be melted in one piece. It should first be planed with a knife or grated.

By following these simple rules, you can prepare at home many creams, healing masks, balms, the main component of which is beeswax.

Recipes for natural cosmetics with beeswax

Our skin doesn't always make us happy. For some, it is too dry, for others, it is oily, for others, the first wrinkles and signs of aging appeared very early, while others are plagued by acne. And this is where beeswax for the face can help many. Perhaps you will take some of these recipes into your beauty bag for folk self-care products.

Anti-wrinkle cream

Mix 30 g of wax and honey. Add 10 ml of aloe juice and 20 ml of white lily tincture. Heat the mixture over low heat for about 30 minutes. Then filter it and apply it to previously cleansed facial skin.

Mask against peeling skin

Mix cucumber, carrot, zucchini juices, olive oil and liquid wax in equal proportions. Apply to face for 20 minutes.

Moisturizing body cream


  1. beeswax – 2 tbsp. l.
  2. cocoa butter, coconut oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. sweet almonds – 4 tbsp. l.
  4. distilled water – 2 tsp.

Melt the wax with water over low heat and mix with oils.

Lip balm

If you have chapped and dry lips, a homemade beeswax balm will help you cope with this problem.

To prepare it, take 1 teaspoon of melted wax and the same amount of any moisturizing oil (almond, olive, coconut), 2 teaspoons of cocoa butter, a small amount of vitamin E (one capsule) and two or three drops of your favorite essential oil (orange or lemon, peppermint oil). If desired, you can add a little honey.

That's all we need to restore our lips' softness, elasticity and delicate appearance. You can use the balm like regular lipstick. It forms a protective film, nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the lips.

Antiseptic lip balm

We will need:

  1. beeswax – 60 ml
  2. jojoba oil – 30 ml
  3. almond oil – 90 ml
  4. tea tree essential oil – 20 drops

Oils must be heated with wax. The ratio of oils and beeswax in cosmetic products is approximately calculated as follows: 1 part wax should be 2 parts oil.

To make sure that the mixture has the desired density and consistency, you need to wait until it cools and thickens. If the cream turns out to be a thinner consistency, you can add a little wax. If too thick, add a little oil and heat again.

To improve the therapeutic effect, essential oils are added to the cooled mixture.

Hand cream

To get 100 ml of cream, you will need 50 ml of water (can be replaced with a decoction of herbs), any vegetable oil (50 ml), wax (5 g), essential oil (lavender, lemon or any other at the rate of 30 drops per 100 ml) and others components upon request and subject to availability.

This cream can be used to care not only for your hands, but also for your feet, body and face.

In all cases of using beeswax in cosmetology, remember that essential oils and bee products can cause allergies, so be careful.