Cosmetics for redness on the face

The skin is the largest and most complex organ in the human body. It protects the body from mechanical damage and is involved in thermoregulation, respiration, and metabolic processes. But sometimes, under the influence of external factors, due to improper care, hormonal imbalances or serious illnesses, irritation may appear on the face.

Human skin is a real microcosm, home to about 1 billion individual bacteria and 14 types of fungi. It is bacteria that determine the smell of a person’s body and sweat; everyone has their own “own” odor.

Severe itching is often accompanied by peeling of the epithelium and local redness. The affected cover is not able to function fully, which is fraught with health problems. To eliminate a dermatological defect, it is enough to determine the cause of its occurrence and promptly get rid of it.

Physiological features of the phenomenon

From a physiological point of view, irritation is a reaction of the epidermis to damage to the epithelium by toxins and foreign organisms. If these substances overcome the protective barriers, local inflammation occurs. In this way, the human body signals danger.

Infected skin is no longer able to fully protect the dermis. Microcracks and blisters form on the epithelium, which are an “open door” for dangerous infections.

Dermatologists distinguish 2 types of redness:

  1. Physiological - the reaction of the integument to temporary stimuli, which is the norm for the human body. After eliminating the external influence, everything goes away, the functionality of the epidermis is restored without negative consequences.
  2. Pathological - a signal of failures at the level of physiological reflexes, diseases. You can get rid of redness only by eliminating the causative factor, which is achieved through treatment.

If we consider pathological problems, they are solved by specialized specialists, dermatologists, and doctors. In other cases, irritation is a cosmetic defect that can be eliminated by seeking help from a cosmetologist or by dealing with this issue personally. And the key to success here is identifying the root cause of the problem.

Causes of redness

Unpleasant manifestations can be caused by

many factors, ranging from poor ecology to internal consumption of allergens. Experts conventionally divide irritants into external and internal. Let's take a closer look at them.

Internal “provocateurs”

The skin not only protects internal organs, but also participates in air exchange, excretion, and metabolic processes. If the body gets sick, the condition of the skin and its appearance worsen.

The main irritants include:

  1. allergic reactions;
  2. damage to the epithelium by fungal infections;
  3. the presence of helminths in the body;
  4. frequent stressful situations;
  5. problems with the functioning of the digestive organs;
  6. diathesis;
  7. colds;
  8. demodicosis

In some cases, the cause of peeling of the dermis may be poor nutrition. First of all, this is the consumption of carbonated drinks, chocolate, energy drinks, chips - “food waste”.

External reasons

Irritation on the face is often caused by external factors. The most common are:

  1. Effect of intense ultraviolet radiation. The heated body becomes covered with red plaques, and after a short time it peels off. Sweat is not able to quickly evaporate from the surface of the skin.
  2. Use of low-quality, cheap cosmetics. Second-rate products and synthetic components have a negative effect on the epidermis.
  3. Frequent tactile contact between hands and face.
  4. Herbs, plants and their pollen. If they come into contact with skin, they can cause blisters, rashes and itching.
  5. Contact with household chemicals rich in alkalis and ammonia.
  6. The presence in the wardrobe of clothes made of synthetic fabrics and artificial dyes.
  7. Soap with a large number of ingredients and dyes. Due to the high pH level, they dry out the epithelium.

At the first signs of irritation, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of their appearance.

This division allows specialists to quickly and accurately determine the source of undesirable manifestations, eliminate it, and develop effective therapeutic tactics. In addition to the listed factors, the types of redness, their size, and location on the body are taken into account.

Types of redness of the skin on the face

Irritation on the face, redness of the skin, can be permanent or temporary. The first type depends on a genetic factor. The last type is acquired or caused by external factors.

Skin irritations vary in intensity and location.

Redness of the epidermis manifests itself as:

  1. inflammation of the skin (typical of the initial stage of acne);
  2. minor local swelling (observed with allergies, clogged pores);
  3. spots, neoplasms, “plaques” (manifestation of pigmentation, pityriasis rosea, rosacea);
  4. pustules (“ulcers” with local redness, spreading not only over the face, but also along the back and chest);
  5. subcutaneous bumpy pimples;
  6. papules (small rashes on the surface of the skin of a red-pink hue);
  7. burn damage to the epithelium (thermal, chemical, solar).

Regardless of the type of redness, you should seek help and advice from a dermatologist. Delaying treatment is fraught with aggravation of the problem (formation of boils, cysts) and progression of the disease.

Causes of redness on the face

Facial irritation differs from the defects discussed above primarily in that the causes are often external factors. If you analyze the events of the last 2-3 weeks, then identifying the source of the rash is not so difficult.

Peeling of the epidermis can cause problems with internal organs

In 90% of cases we are talking about the following factors:

  1. hormonal imbalances - typical for pregnancy, adolescence, menstrual cycle, etc.;
  2. skin reaction to cold or frost, moisture;
  3. nervous disorders - psychosis, depressive and stressful situations;
  4. cheap, expired cosmetics - typical for cases of using new products without preliminary testing or studying the composition;
  5. a consequence of mechanical or chemical effects on the skin - cleaning the pores, face, peeling, use of aggressive lotions, creams;
  6. poor facial care – typical for girls who actively use cosmetics;
  7. excess vitamin “A” in the body is a “disease” of women who abuse sunbathing and solariums;
  8. long-term use of certain medications.

Having carefully studied this list of irritants, it is easy to establish the reason for such an unpleasant reaction of the body. Cosmetologists say that the problem does not always lie in just one factor; sometimes it is a combination of them (hormonal imbalance + use of low-quality cosmetics + heavy tanning). Before removing irritation on the face, its source is eliminated.

Cosmetological methods of elimination

The easiest and safest way to get rid of redness on the face is to seek help from an experienced cosmetologist.. The specialist will not only identify the irritant, but also select the optimal procedures for a specific rash or acne.

The easiest way to eliminate redness on the face is in a beauty salon by introducing vitamin and mineral supplements into the epidermis

Basic methods for eliminating itching, peeling and redness:

  1. Program or chemical peeling. Deep facial cleansing with fruit acids has proven itself to be excellent. The dermis is saturated with useful components, moisturized, and problem cells are intensively renewed with new ones.
  2. Mesotherapy is the effect of active substances on the middle layer of the dermis.
  3. Biorevitalization – saturation of the deep spheres of the skin with micronutrients and vitamins. The drugs are administered through microinjections.
  4. Specialized cosmetic programs that provide intensive skin hydration.

Irritation on the face (redness, rash, peeling, rosacea) is eliminated only after completely eliminating internal factors that could provoke inflammation. If this is not done, but only deal with cosmetic defects, there is a high probability of relapse.

Cosmetical tools

To quickly eliminate irritation, itching and redness, use cosmetics sold in every pharmacy. This method is aimed at eliminating symptoms, not causes, and is therefore not considered very effective. For quality and effective treatment, it is important to consult a dermatologist.

There are a number of ointments that are highly likely to eliminate redness

There are a number of ointments that in 95% of cases help to cope with the problem:

  1. "Fenistil-Gel" - eliminates itching, irritation, relieves swelling.
  2. "Gistan" - helps to cope with irritations of the epidermis.
  3. "BoroPlus" is a cosmetic product. Removes redness, softens the epithelium, nourishes the dermis with moisture.
  4. "Bepanten" - promotes intensive regeneration of the skin, healing of wounds and cracks.
  5. “Boromenthol” is an ointment with a pronounced cooling effect, refreshes the skin, relieves itching, and eliminates associated symptoms.

The listed drugs are actively used in cosmetology, because belong to non-hormonal drugs. For skin problems, extracts of jojoba, chamomile, horsetail and aloe will be useful.

Home treatment recipes

In cases where irritation on the face, redness or peeling is localized and the cause of the problem has been established, home recipes can be used. The skin recovers more intensively with regular use of compresses, creams and masks. Most products have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Steam bath with hops

A steam bath with the addition of hops will soothe reddened facial skin. It is prepared as follows: pour 15 g of crushed hops into a wide enamel pan, pour 1 liter of clean cold water over the plant. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat.

Steam baths with hops are an effective way to get rid of the problem of flaky skin

When the broth boils, bend over it and cover yourself with a blanket or terry towel. For dry skin, 3-4 minutes of steam exposure is enough, for oily skin – 10. Upon completion of the procedure, the epidermis is moisturized with lotion, milk or cream.

Potato mask for skin inflammation

Fresh and peeled potatoes are grated. Beat 1 egg yolk with a blender and add it to the potato pulp (80-100 g). The components are thoroughly stirred until smooth. Add 15 ml of lemon juice to the mixture and mix gently. At the final stage, add 1-2 ml of copper sulfate.

Masks are one of the effective ways to eliminate flaking and regenerate the skin.

The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes, and at the end of the session, the residue is washed off with water and diluted lemon juice (0.1 liter of juice per 1 liter of water). The frequency of exposure is 1 time every 3 days.

Parsley decoction compress

Parsley not only has a soothing effect on problem skin, but can also whiten it. To prepare the decoction you need to follow a simple sequence of steps:

  1. Parsley (30 mg) is thoroughly chopped so that it reacts faster with other ingredients and poured into a glass container.
  2. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the greens and cover with a lid.
  3. The composition is infused for half an hour until the broth cools.
  4. Sterile gauze is moistened in warm liquid and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes.

Vegetable oils will help enhance the effect. After adding 2-3 ml of chamomile essence, the skin “calms down” in 3-5 minutes.

Cottage cheese and fruit juice mask

Method for preparing a soothing mask against redness on the face:

  1. Freshly squeezed fruit juice (10 ml) is poured into a plate.
  2. Add 0.5 chicken yolk.
  3. Add 10 mg of cottage cheese to the mixture (it is better to take fatty cottage cheese).
  4. The ingredients are mixed and 5 ml of vegetable oil is added to them.
  5. After final mixing of the components, the composition is ready for application.

The consistency is applied to problem areas of the skin for 20 minutes. Then the mask is washed off with cold water or chilled chamomile infusion.

Fruit juices are the best ingredient for nourishing masks against flaking and redness

Cosmetologists recommend carefully checking folk recipes to ensure there are no allergies to their components. To do this, apply a small amount of the composition to the wrist and observe the reaction on the surface of the skin for 2 hours. If the body has not reacted negatively to the mixture, you can use the prepared product.

Cuperosis on the face as one of the causes of redness of the skin on the face - video

One of the common causes of redness of the epidermis on the face is rosacea. We are talking about a skin disease in which “stars” of dilated vessels form under the epithelium. They are not dangerous to health, but they cause a lot of trouble for women because they seriously spoil their appearance. Learn more about this disease in the video below.

There are many reasons for facial irritation. But in almost every case, you can quickly get rid of unpleasant and unsightly redness and peeling, if it is not a serious disease. It is worth eliminating skin defects on your own only if the exact cause is known. In other cases, it is better to consult and enlist the support of a dermatologist.

Cuperosis is a disease that painfully affects not only the physical, but also the psychological state of a person. With the appearance of noticeable redness on the face, the patient’s confidence in himself and his own attractiveness decreases. Fortunately, today there are many means to combat this disease.

Causes of rosacea on the face

Cuperosis is a vascular disease that manifests itself in the form of the formation of vascular “stars” or “networks,” that is, a capillary pattern. This occurs due to pathological dilation of blood vessels. Couperose can affect any area of ​​the skin, but the skin of the face is the most vulnerable. At the same time, the appearance of redness on the face causes patients the greatest discomfort.

Cuperosis is associated with the following negative factors:

  1. hereditary predisposition;
  2. temperature changes;
  3. excess spicy food;
  4. emotional stress;
  5. heavy smoking;
  6. regular alcohol consumption;
  7. prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  8. Excessive coffee consumption.

Due to these listed factors, people who often visit baths and saunas, suffer from bad habits, often sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium, as well as coffee and spicy cuisine lovers are at risk of developing rosacea. In addition, the risk of developing rosacea is increased in women who often use alcohol-containing cosmetics (it dries out the skin), and also often use chemical peels or cosmetics with aggressive scrubbing particles. You should also be careful when washing your face - tap water is saturated with chlorine, which already damages the skin, and washing with excessively hot or cold water will even more traumatize it.

The best creams for rosacea: what should be included

As was revealed from the previous paragraph, rosacea occurs due to a violation of the elasticity of blood vessels, which, in turn, is often caused by damage to the skin. In this regard, the cream for rosacea should include components that restore the balance of the skin, as well as vascular regulation.

The main objectives of a rosacea cream should be the following:

  1. nourishing the skin and saturating the epidermis with essential microelements;
  2. restoration of vascular wall tissue;
  3. improvement of blood microcirculation.

At the same time, it is important that the cream is hypoallergenic and does not cause a negative reaction on damaged skin.

Cream "Bark"

Cream for rosacea "Bark" is a product with a complex effect on skin with vascular mesh. It is suitable for treating any skin type, as it is non-comedogenic and does not cause pore clogging, leading to inflammation for those with sensitive skin.

“Bark” has a pleasant smell and light texture, thanks to which it is easily absorbed and dries on the skin without forming stickiness. The cream has a light tonal effect and evens out the texture, so it can be used as a foundation for makeup.

“Bark” for rosacea is applied twice a day to previously cleansed and moisturized skin. The product must be distributed with massage movements. To obtain an even toning effect, the cream should be distributed quickly enough, as it dries easily.

The advantage of the product is its low cost and light pleasant aroma. This is a fairly effective remedy against rosacea, which is not a burden for women to use during treatment due to its pleasant texture and aroma.

Cream "Sofia"

Cream "Sofia" is part of a cosmetic series with leech extract. This remedy is used in combination with medications for the treatment of rosacea. It has no contraindications, with the exception of the reaction of individual intolerance to the components. "Sofya" can be used to combat varicose veins.

Sophia cream is not only a cosmetic against rosacea; it also has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Depending on the intensity of the lesion, the doctor prescribes the patient the frequency of taking the drug. The series with leech extract has a low cost, but patients who have tried these products themselves note their high effectiveness.

Cream "Stop rosacea"

“Stop rosacea” is positioned as an instant remedy against rosacea on the face. However, in reality, no cream can cope with the disease quickly. In other words, if a network of blood vessels has already formed on the face, Stop rosacea will not immediately get rid of it, however, at the initial stage of dilation of blood vessels on the face, the remedy can stop the pathological process.

“Stop rosacea” is a line of cosmetics that must be used in combination to provide quick help to skin with dilated blood vessels. The line includes, in addition to the main cream, also a cleansing gel, toner, as well as foundation and day creams. The entire line of Stop rosacea products can be purchased at the pharmacy, and patients note good results from such comprehensive care. However, the need for a complex effect and the use of a whole line of products makes treatment with the Stop rosacea series quite expensive.

Cream Darfin

Darphin Intral Soothing Cream is a French-made serum that effectively eliminates skin redness. The product is ideal for caring for sensitive skin. The cream contains natural ingredients (extracts of seaweed, grape leaves) to improve blood circulation and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

The cream is primarily intended for use in adulthood (not recommended for use by persons under 18 years of age). The product is used daily, 1-2 times a day, for a course of 3 weeks. The components of the cream eliminate inflammatory processes, promote the healing of microdamages and normalize the condition of the circulatory system.

Troxevasin ointment

Traditionally, Troxevasin ointment for dilated vessels is used in the treatment of varicose veins. However, for rosacea, the product is also effective - it allows you to improve your complexion, remove redness and get rid of spider veins.

The active components of the drug are rutin and ascorbic acid (the complex is called ascorutin). These components improve blood circulation and strengthen vascular walls. The ointment relieves inflammation and heals the skin.

There are many opponents of Troxevasin, but often the problem is that people use the drug without reading the instructions. The drug may cause allergies in people with individual intolerance to the components. In addition, there are other contraindications for use.

Cream Tiande

Tiande cream is a plant-based product that contains chamomile extract and coconut oil. The cream is suitable for use by people with sensitive skin - it can even be used to moisturize the eyelids. However, Tiande is a rather expensive drug, and its effect in the fight against rosacea is not obvious to everyone.

Cream Bioderma

Bioderma cream is part of the line of professional skin care cosmetics of the same name. In addition to cream, it contains gels, masks, toners and other attributes. This line of care has a very high cost, and its effect on the skin does not consist in the specific treatment of rosacea - cosmetics are recommended to eliminate any skin defects and to protect against negative factors (in particular, the effects of decorative cosmetics).

La Roche Posay Cream

In addition to the cream itself, La Roche Posay produces a whole range of cosmetics for a beneficial effect on skin with rosacea. Cosmetics are made on the basis of special thermal water, are hypoallergenic, and have no contraindications. The complex of products must be used regularly, for at least 3 months in a row. This improves the appearance and condition of the skin. The only drawback of this manufacturer’s products is their overpriced price.

Capillary Clear Face Cream

The product is developed on the basis of a plant complex and includes extracts of plants such as bearberry, calendula, arnica. The cream eliminates excess blood flow flowing outside the vessels, and also gently exfoliates and evens out skin texture due to glycolic and salicylic acids. When using the cream, blood circulation in the skin increases, the epidermis becomes denser, and capillaries become less visible.

The product acts quite gently and has a long-lasting effect. However, it must be used regularly for six months, which may be unacceptable for some patients.

Cream Lierac

Lierak is a cream with a fluid texture that improves the condition of the skin in general, allowing you to fight dilated capillaries on the face. The product contains plant extracts and a light green pigment, which, when applied to the face (for example, under makeup), helps hide redness. The cream is suitable for allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin, used for 3 months.

Vichy's anti-rosacea line of products is designed for mature skin, so it is recommended to use it only from 27 years of age. It includes several drugs that normalize blood circulation and reduce pigmentation as a result of vasodilation. Among other things, the products have an anti-aging effect - they give the skin elasticity and smooth out wrinkles.

Doctor Taffy

Doctor Taffy is an absolutely natural cream, the basis of which is calendula oil. The cream evens out skin color, eliminates age spots, increases skin hydration and saturates it with essential microelements. This remedy does not have a specific effect on the condition of blood vessels, so it can only be used in combination with other anti-rosacea agents.

Natura Siberica

The Natura Siberica product line positions itself as cosmetics made from organic ingredients that can be used to combat mild signs of rosacea. The cream from this line can soften the skin and improve its condition, but it cannot boast of effectiveness in the fight against rosacea on its own - only in combination with other products.

Traditional medicine recipes for rosacea on the face

Traditional medicine offers several recipes to combat rosacea on the face. However, it should be borne in mind that before using such recipes, you should first make sure that there is no allergy, and then consult a doctor. Preliminary diagnosis will protect the patient from a more serious disease, evidence of which may be rosacea.

To eliminate traces of blood vessels on the face, you can use masks made from grated potatoes, or a mixture of melon pulp and milk. To do this, the ingredients are mixed “by eye” to a paste and left on the face for approximately 30 minutes. The masks should be repeated 2-3 times a week. Such formulations do not contain aggressive substances that are not recommended in the presence of rosacea (such acids are found in fruits).

Chamomile decoction can be used as a daily remedy to combat rosacea. It reduces inflammation and increases blood circulation in the skin. You can wash your face with the decoction once a day, or wipe your face with a cotton sponge soaked in the decoction.

A high-quality and correct cream for redness on the face can not only eliminate the cosmetic effect, but also cure the skin from the disease that led to the redness. The line of creams includes expensive and affordable ones - we will teach you the rules for choosing the most effective product.

Red skin gives a woman a lot of inconvenience - the spots have to be masked, but foundation is only a necessary measure. The worst thing is that some cosmetics only make things worse: as soon as you wash off the mattifying agent, the telltale spots appear again and seem to become brighter. To begin with, it is important to understand the potential causes of the problem.

What causes the skin to turn red?

The reasons for a red face when a medicinal cream is urgently required can be different - from a common reaction to frost or draft, to serious diseases that require medical intervention.

Common factors are:

  1. Genetic predisposition. Dermatologists say that red spots, as well as, in principle, a tendency to irritation, are inherited. If there is a grandmother in the family who suffers from such a problem, then with some degree of probability, the cosmetic defect will “go to” the daughter or granddaughter. This is often due to the characteristics of the epithelium and the structure of blood vessels.
  2. Allergy. In the age of active development of the chemical industry, allergens lie in wait for humans in a variety of places, from food to household personal care products. Dust, fur, cosmetics - all this can cause redness on the face, rashes and itching.
  3. The structure of the epithelium. The structure of the epithelium, as well as the location of the vessels, are considered individual reasons. Usually girls of the European type with milky white skin are predisposed to redness.
  4. Incorrect care. In many ways, this factor depends on knowing the characteristics of your skin. But many girls do not take this attentively enough, choosing well-advertised decorative cosmetics or cheap ones.
  5. Frost and wind. Cosmetologists always warn women that the cold season is a real test for the skin. There is even such a thing as an allergy to frost - as soon as a woman (and a man) leaves the house, her face turns red.
  6. UV rays (sun) are another enemy of our skin. Today, when the sun is very active in summer, irritation and redness occur under its influence, and sometimes, abuse of sunbathing leads to serious burns of the epithelium. A passion for solariums can lead to exactly the same consequences.
  7. Bad habits. Smoking and the love of drinking a glass of wine “before bed” do not leave their mark on the skin. Redness gradually appears on the face, which can be difficult to get rid of.
  8. Hormonal changes. Pregnancy, menopause, and menstruation are often accompanied by rashes and redness.
  9. Skin diseases. They are different, but many are accompanied by redness, itching, pimples, and rashes. In these cases, you need to understand the cause only with your doctor.
  10. Consequences of acne and acne. Often, in place of deep pimples, unsightly spots remain, which greatly spoil the appearance.

It is clear that some causes cannot be eliminated without the help of a doctor and the redness will have to be treated in a doctor’s office (and maybe several). But you still need to take care of your skin every day, and it is better if it is a cream selected taking into account your skin type, which can, if not remove, then significantly reduce aesthetic defects on the skin of the face.

What is a good anti-redness cream?

Good creams for redness on the face should solve several problems at once: relieve irritation and inflammation, remove redness, fill the epithelium with moisture. Dry skin is more prone to redness and needs to be constantly moisturized. It is possible for a cream alone to cope with such tasks, but the composition of such a facial product must be appropriate.

The composition of the cream should include:

  1. vitamin complexes: they nourish the skin, fill it with energy, and help natural renewal; B vitamins, which are called beauty vitamins, are especially effective.
  2. urea, hyaluronic acid, glycerin. They are considered the best moisturizers that remove flaking and fill the epithelium with moisture from the inside;
  3. vegetable oils: this can be avocado oil, jojoba, amaranth, olive oil. Oils nourish, moisturize, smooth, increase elasticity;
  4. extracts and extracts of medicinal plants: calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow. There are many natural healers that relieve inflammation, heal minor pimples, heal and eliminate irritation;
  5. magnesium – perfectly soothes, removing visible signs of irritation;
  6. aloe vera; it is worth mentioning separately, because this plant is perhaps the only one that, even in its pure form, treats redness well. And as part of a cream with an enhanced formula, it simply works wonders;
  7. feverfew, tea, ginger, cucumber - they all have a pronounced whitening effect;
  8. panthenol, allatoin - medicinal substances that eliminate redness, moisturize the skin and nourish its deep layers;
  9. hydrocortisone. It contains steroids, and those in the cream whiten reddened areas of the skin on the face, treat irritations, soothe, and reduce swelling.

But what ingredients you should avoid are flower extracts and essential oils: they are very fragrant and can cause allergic reactions in those with sensitive skin prone to irritation. So a strong floral scent in the cream is not an option.

What can you do at home?

If for some reason it is difficult to buy a cream at the moment, and the defect causes suffering, redness is often relieved by home procedures that are accessible and understandable to everyone. Proceed step by step, monitor the skin reaction and do not forget that the main rule of home care is systematicity. A couple of home SPA's, unfortunately, won't help.

First aid procedures at home look like this:

  1. If you suspect an allergy, you can take one sedative tablet, a little tincture of valerian root or motherwort. You can make a soothing tea from lemon balm, strawberry, and mint leaves.
  2. If the cause is a poor-quality cosmetic product, this can be easily checked by simply cleansing the face: to do this, wash with water mixed with milk (in a 1:1 ratio), and then rinse your face with chamomile decoction.
  3. The effects of acne are eliminated with a couple of aspirin tablets. They are crushed and mixed with water until a paste forms. You can add a drop of honey and grind everything. The mask is applied to redness and then washed off with water.
  4. “Bodyaga” helps you against redness after acne - an extract from a swamp sponge is sold in pharmacies for pennies, but it resolves red spots surprisingly quickly. True, you will have to wait out the slight burning sensation, and at first the spots will turn even redder due to a sharp rush of blood. Bodyagu is also applied pointwise, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.
  5. Masks made from cucumber, aloe leaves, kefir, and lemon juice often help (it is mixed with oatmeal and water; using lemon in its pure form is strictly prohibited!).
  6. Well-known beauty “savers” - ice cubes with herbs tone, relieve redness, and soothe. Freeze decoctions of rose hips, sage, chamomile and wipe the cubes on your face in the morning and before bed.

But all these measures do not replace the need to have a high-quality cream in your cosmetic bag. We’ll tell you which products have earned the best recommendations from owners of sensitive skin prone to redness and irritation.

Rating of the best creams for red faces

Some ointments and creams for redness at the Lyceum, for example, “Hydrocortisone”, “Panthenol”, “Fenistil Gel” or “Aloe Vera Gel” are medicinal and are sold in pharmacies - no prescription is required for purchase. But for daily care, you should pay attention to cosmetics with soothing ingredients.

Moisturizing cream Redness from the company Clinic

Regular use of the cream makes the face noticeably brighter. The redness goes away, small wounds on the face heal, irritation disappears. Over time, the healing effect becomes even more noticeable - even skin tone is evened out. He begins to glow from within. The formula of the cream is soft, the texture is non-greasy, and contains green pigments that mask red spots. The product heals, mattifies, protects from sun and wind. But the price is for 50 ml. about 5000 rub.

Anti-redness cream Uriage Rosylane

The product is suitable even for those who occasionally suffer from atopic dermatitis. The composition contains thermal water, copper and zinc gluconates and the manufacturer's secret - a special complex that stimulates the immune system and suppresses inflammatory reactions. The consistency of the cream is soft but dense, making it easy to apply and quickly absorbed. There is no filmy feeling left on the face, so you can use the cream in the morning. Price 50 ml – 650 rub.

“Protection and hydration” from Natura Siberica

The product contains Rhodiola rosea, known for its ability to greatly increase the skin's resistance to external irritants. There is also vitamin P, which restores epithelium, allatoin and UV factor. The cream quickly relieves redness, treats mild irritations, and relieves inflammation. The texture of the cream is pleasant, the smell is very delicate. Price for 50 ml. – 200 rub.

“Day cream with buttercup extract” from Yves Rocher

Ranunculus extract is the main component of Yves Rocher cream. The advantage of the plant lies in the quick relief of facial redness, irritation and peeling. The cream has a pronounced moisturizing effect and is suitable for daily use even for those who suffer from very sensitive facial skin. In this case, the cream can be used as a base for foundation. The consistency of the cream is thick, it is easy to apply and absorbs quickly. A 50 ml jar costs 700 rubles.

La Plairie anti-redness complex with cellular complex

The Swiss manufacturer's serum contains a record number of plant extracts and extracts that relieve inflammation and eliminate redness. The effect is promised for those who suffer from redness due to hormonal disorders, are constantly sunburned, or have encountered poor-quality cosmetic procedures that have damaged the epithelium. The complex is super moisturizing, light in texture and nourishing due to the balm, which is also included in the serum formula. After just a few uses, the feeling of tightness goes away for a long time, the skin smoothes out and looks younger. The price is not the most affordable - from 5000 rubles for 50 ml.

Find out how you can get rid of redness using folk remedies and cosmetics:

Real customer reviews

Yulia Ivanova, Perm: “I constantly suffer from redness in the winter season. I solve the problem this way: at home I make masks with aloe juice, at night every other day I apply Panthenol, and before leaving the house I apply Yves Rocher cream with buttercup. The result is quite"

Stella Temnikova, Kaliningrad: “To relieve skin redness, nothing helps me personally as much as a mask with cucumber. But here it is important to comply with the condition - use only cucumbers from the garden. In winter, cucumber cubes save me: I cut the cucumber and freeze it. It's convenient and cheap."

Irina Bogatova, Samara: “I fell in love with the Natura Siberika series, which moisturizes the skin. The cream is inexpensive, but it helps amazingly! At home, I support my skin with masks with oatmeal, to which aloe juice is added (I specially grow it on the window now).”

Olga Koryankina, Ivanovka village: “Since we live modestly in the village, I prefer folk methods - masks, ice cubes. I maintain the effect with baby cream, it is available. But still, I wouldn’t refuse a quality cream if I had the means.”

Vitalina Skorobogatova, Krivoy Rog: “I like Yves Rocher products - they really work. But still, if my redness is too strong (and this happens often during menstrual periods), I take Suprastin.”

The problem very often disappears with regular care, when pharmaceutical products, home care, and good creams are combined. But sometimes, to get rid of the problem, it is important to completely change your lifestyle. Still, it is important to remember: there are no unsolvable problems.