Cosmetics with seaweed

Seaweed is used in cosmetology, as well as in the medical field. This natural component participated in the reproduction of the ozone part of the stratosphere, and is the main source of atmospheric oxygen today.

It contains highly concentrated trace elements, amino acids, mineral salts and vitamins. These components are needed in different areas. In the article we will look at why seaweed is attractive: application in cosmetology?

Benefits of use

The miraculous power of algae in cosmetology is actively used in thalassotherapy programs (Greek - treatment by the sea). Particularly popular is algotherapy, a subtype of thalassotherapy that involves the use of algae and healing mud. With its help they fight with:

cellulite, including in the last stages;
vascular diseases;
insomnia, irritability and other neurotic diseases;
excess fat deposits;
poor blood circulation.

Masks, balms and wraps are considered the most effective and productive.

Algae masks have a gentle effect, and the active ingredients are absorbed one hundred percent under the influence of high temperature.

Useful properties and composition

Seaweeds are plants that participate in photosynthesis and grow on the bottom of the sea. Use in food replenishes the supply of such components as:

mineral salts - restore metabolism, which is necessary for the full functioning of the body;
microelements - increase the speed of biochemical reactions at the cellular level;
vitamins - replenish the necessary balance;
other substances - replenishment of proteins, proteins and carbohydrates.


Seaweed contains a complex of minerals that is necessary for the full functioning of individual organs. Calcium is present to strengthen bones; potassium is necessary for the reproduction of intracellular fluid.

To supply nutrients to the skin, chlorine is needed, which is found in seaweed; sodium takes part in transmembrane movement. To create nerve cells, phosphorus is needed, which is fully present in this substance.

To restore tissue and slow down aging, algae contains magnesium. It is also characterized by anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic properties. Algae are used in the treatment of dermatoses, acne and other rashes, as they contain sulfur.


For full functioning, biochemical reactions occur in cells, which require microelements.

They are fully contained in algae: iodine is needed to remove fat from the body, chromium and nickel reduce appetite, and copper increases skin turgor.

Iron helps reduce wrinkles, and silicon is required for the growth of connective fibers. Seaweed contains components that strengthen systems:

molybdenum - connecting;
fluoride - dental;
cobalt - venous and lymphatic.
Selenium reverses the aging process, and manganese is necessary for collagen production.


The algae contains a full complex of vitamins, which vouch for:

renewing cells and providing them with energy;
functioning of nerve cells;
complete hematopoiesis;
strengthening the immune system;
removal of harmful elements;
protein production;
absorption of phosphorus and potassium.

Other trace elements

More than 50% of dry matter is simple and complex carbohydrates. Depending on the type of algae, the concentration of proteins can vary. They contain little fat, but they still exist. Their percentage in dry concentrate is about 2 units.

They have a pronounced anti-carcinogenic property: alginates become a protective barrier against the effects of harmful radiation. Thanks to immunocorrection, marine plants have antibacterial properties. This is characterized by active T-lymphocytes and macrophages, which are an important link in the production of immunoglobulins A.

Thanks to these properties, the use of marine plants prevents diseases of the genitourinary and ENT systems, which affect the mucous surface.

Types of algae for cosmetology

The history of the appearance and development of algae lasts more than one and a half billion years. They were the basis for the creation of the ozone layer and a source of oxygen. Their therapeutic effect lies in the content of a complex of useful elements.

There are several types of algae that are used in different types of cosmetology. It depends on the percentage of one or the other elements. Algae is used in cosmetology:

The red algae are represented by Palmaria and Krondus (Irish moss). They are enriched with B vitamins, which are necessary to create a natural complex of substances. They compensate for the lack of mineral components and vitamins, due to which the cells begin to work more actively with each other.

Blood microcirculation improves, lymphatic drainage increases and swelling is relieved. Thanks to this, the skin acquires elasticity and evenness. They become elastic. Using them in the form of masks helps nourish and moisturize the skin.

Brown sea plants stimulate rejuvenation and increase turgor. Bright representatives of the family are Fucus and Laminaria.

Fucus grows in the White Sea. The composition contains amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. Micronized fucus extract and oil are used in cosmetology. They remove toxins and harmful substances. It is used as an anti-cellulite agent. Fucus-based products are used to combat cellulite and the removal of decay elements. They are also used to prevent wrinkles and stretch marks.

Laminaria is used in cosmetology more often than other representatives of marine plants.

More often it can be seen in dried form: whole plants or powder. There are more useful substances in the thalli. In appearance they are dark green or dark brown in color. They are covered with a coating of salt on top.

They have a distinct, distinct smell of seafood. To use kelp you need to soak it in water. Oils and extracts have beneficial properties.

Green plants increase blood flow, recreate intercellular connections and increase the protective parameters of the skin surface. Common representatives of this species are sea lettuce, codium, and sea hair.

Their structure contains a large amount of iron, antioxidants, and B vitamins. A mask with sea salad activates blood flow in the tissues. Plants like Codium retain fluid in skin and hair cells. Sea hair cares for the sensitive epidermis.

Area of ​​use

Procedures using algae are effective in complex activities.

Algae used as facial compositions are sheets, thinly compressed under pressure. To use, they are softened in boiling water and applied to the skin. Their use is appropriate in the autumn-winter period, as they have a rejuvenating, nourishing, lifting and toning effect.

Removal of dead cells.

Scrubs with sea plants have a cleansing effect. They soften and remove dead skin layers. At the same time, skin cells are renewed and blood circulation improves. Scrubs provide a gentle effect.

In beauty salons, seaweed wraps are often used. They are necessary for burning fat cells, removing toxins and decay elements. They make up for the lack of useful components and restore metabolism. As a result of a course of seaweed wrap, skin turgor increases.

Beneficial properties of face masks

The algae contains vitamin B5, which guarantees the preservation of moisture in the upper skin and prevents dryness.

Skin respiration improves, and breakdown products are eliminated much faster.

Availability of vitamin E helps reduce wrinkles and correct the shape of the face. Pores are reduced and their number is reduced. Thanks to the presence of the required amount of moisture, the skin becomes elastic. Turgor increases due to the high concentration of iron, silicon, molybdenum, and copper.

The fibers of the upper layers of the epidermis acquire elasticity, due to which cellulite and stretch marks that arise due to an increase in body weight are eliminated. The presence of molybdenum and selenium helps eliminate sagging, which is typical after losing weight.

Magnesium and sulfur help cope with acne and pimples, the complexion acquires a natural shade. Seaweed in combination affects the epidermis. They simultaneously moisturize the epidermis, even out their color and refresh, eliminating inflammation.

To whom are masks indicated and contraindicated?

Any recipe is shown to girls:

with dry and sensitive dermis;
with oily or atonic epidermis;
with aging and combination skin;
with freckles, pigmented areas and dermatoses;
with visible scars and cicatrices;
with cellulite and stretch marks.

Masks are applied to the décolleté, neck, chest, abdomen, thighs and other places. Cosmetic procedures with seaweed are popular due to the low number of contraindications. They are based on iodine content, which is contraindicated for people with thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism)

Girls with seafood intolerance should beware of them. Pregnant women should also take cosmetic procedures with algae with caution.

You should consult your doctor before using cosmetics and treatments with marine plants.

Recipes for masks with cooking

Kelp and white clay

The procedure is indicated for swelling and contaminated pores. It promotes rejuvenation and cleansing. The action stimulates the movement of blood and its influx to the surface layers of the epidermis. It is used for dry, aging, sensitive skin, including the areas around the eyes. Thanks to its mild action, the mask can be applied up to 3 times every seven days.

Seaweed powder - 2 teaspoons..
White clay - 2 teaspoons.
Sodium alginate - 3 teaspoons.

Breeding method. Kelp and white clay must first be soaked. To do this, add 30 milliliters of water to each component. Mix the prepared ingredients thoroughly.

Add sodium alginate diluted in 50 milliliters of water immediately before application. The composition is applied to the entire face, including the areas around the eyes, neck and lips. The mask is kept for up to 20 minutes, but not less than 15 minutes. After the substance turns into a film, it is carefully removed.

With lemon juice or vitamin E

dried kelp - 2 teaspoons;
vitamin E or lemon juice - five drops;
boiled water - 3 teaspoons.

Soak the plant in boiling water for 30 minutes in advance. Further, the preparation method varies according to skin type:

for dry ones - add vitamin E (sold in capsules);
for oily skin - dilute with lemon juice.

Apply the product to your face, avoiding the areas around the eyes, and leave for 20 minutes.

The mask is applied regularly up to 2 times a week. It is ideal for those cases when you need to quickly give your face a fresh look. With its help, they cleanse, nourish, and moisturize the epidermis. It relieves swelling and eliminates age spots. The mask perfectly smooths out wrinkles and gives a radiant shine.

The mask is recommended for girls with oily and problematic skin, which is characterized by excessive shine and open pores.

It is used to increase the turgor of flabby and aging epidermis.

kelp in powder form - 1 tablespoon;
apple puree - 1 tablespoon.

Soak the seaweed in boiling water in advance and let it swell for 3-5 minutes. Instead of powder, you can use whole leaves, but then they should first be ground into powder. Dilute the finished mixture with applesauce and spread over the skin.

You must keep it for at least 15 minutes. As a result of the action, facial features are tightened and wrinkles become smaller. Applesauce helps eliminate oily shine. As a result, the skin becomes smooth and radiant.

To eliminate acne

The mask acts on skin that is prone to irritation and rashes. It tones, cleanses and moisturizes. With its help you can prevent the spread of acne and eliminate inflammation.

Ingredients required for preparation:

dry kelp - 1 tablespoon;
honey - 1 tablespoon;
soft component of aloe - 1 tablespoon.

As in previous cases, the powder is soaked in water, and the thalli are first ground into small particles. Honey is heated together with aloe, while the algae softens. The finished composition should be applied to the prepared face for half an hour.

To mix the mask, you only need powder and water. Pour six tablespoons. plants with water and let soak for at least 6 hours. Distribute the finished mixture on areas that are prone to cellulite. It must be kept for at least 40 minutes, but no more than 60 minutes.

For the effect to be complete, a plastic film should be applied. With the help of cosmetic actions, you will get rid of fat accumulations that cannot be eliminated through physical exercise. For it to work, you need to carry out the procedure for 30 days, every 4 days.

Due to its amazing healing properties, seaweed has long been used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Moreover, unlike many artificial drugs, the active substances of algae are absorbed by humans almost 100%, and cosmetics created on their basis have practically no contraindications. Even very sensitive and reactive skin tolerates algae preparations well.
The natural active components of algae are identical to the components that make up our skin cells - for example, amino acids, trace elements, vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this, the skin receives powerful nourishment, easily absorbing the substances it needs.
Perhaps everyone knows that seaweed is rich in iodine. They also contain many other useful substances, including nickel, iron, aluminum, zinc, fluorine and selenium. Seaweed also contains essential minerals such as calcium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and sulfur. By the way, the concentration of vitamins in algae is several times higher than that of many medicinal plants.
In addition, seaweed has cooling, anti-inflammatory and decongestant (decongestant) effects. The use of algae in various cosmetic compositions gives an amazing tightening effect, due to the fact that they accelerate metabolic processes and remove toxins and impurities. Seaweed is an excellent lifting agent.
Algae contain alginic acid, which is capable of binding harmful substances and removing them from the body, helping to increase the protective functions of the body, especially in unfavorable environmental conditions.
Seaweed perfectly nourishes the skin, enhancing its regeneration processes, improves blood circulation and regulates the acid-base balance. They prevent the deposition of new fatty compounds, even out the skin structure, enrich the blood with oxygen, and act as an energy booster for the skin. Therefore, they are included in many body care products - lotions to increase elasticity, anti-cellulite gels. Algae wraps are actively practiced in SPA salons. Their advantage is that the results after correction in the abdomen and hips are visible to the naked eye.
To date, about 25 thousand species of algae are known.

What algae do scientists choose to create skin care products?

Laminaria (sea kale)

Kelp is perhaps one of the most famous varieties of algae. The genus Laminaria has 30 species. She is a champion in iodine content, phytoharmones and polysaccharides.
Contains over 60 vitamins and minerals that restore the skin's water balance and improve its tone.
Sea ginseng is what kelp is called in medicine and cosmetology for its wonderful rejuvenating properties. In the modern beauty industry, much attention is paid to kelp wraps for weight loss, but do not forget that kelp for the face is one of the best anti-aging products.
Laminaria extract provides an immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect, promotes tissue repair processes.
The latest marine biotechnologies have made it possible to create unique cosmetic complexes from kelp, which have unsurpassed moisturizing and rejuvenating properties.

Fucus is an algae that affects the body in two directions simultaneously: on the one hand, it can be used to reduce volumes, and on the other, it helps remove toxins. The fact is that fucus contains a special substance that penetrates into the cell and, absorbing toxic products, removes them through the kidneys, liver and sweat glands.
But most importantly, this is the only algae that specifically stimulates beta receptors of adipocytes, thereby actively triggering the process of lipolysis, which makes fucus an indispensable component in weight loss and cellulite elimination programs.

This algae is rich in minerals, especially potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, sulfur and silicon, and Omega-6 fatty acids. Porphyra is rich in protein, beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, D B1, B2, B12. Thanks to them, it perfectly moisturizes, nourishes, softens the skin, and strengthens antioxidant protection. Porphyra is also a champion in vitamin C content. Therefore, it effectively stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and brightens the skin.
A highly purified solution of polysaccharides is also obtained from red microalgae - it is free from chemicals, additives, solvents and preservatives. This solution is easy to use in most cosmetic formulas.

This tiny algae, smaller in diameter than a human hair, can only be seen through a microscope, but chlorella is a real treasure trove of useful substances. The main function of this simplest organism is the production of oxygen, which determines their mandatory presence on board submarines and spaceships. It is considered the oldest species of freshwater algae on the planet. Chlorella is made up of rapidly dividing algae cells and contains growth factors and nucleic acids that help cell proliferation and skin regeneration.
The main component of the plant is chlorophyll, which is often called “green gold”. The structure of this macroelement is very similar to human hemoglobin cells. Scientists have proven that chlorella helps cleanse the blood, strengthen the immune system, remove harmful toxins from the body, and increase the level of oxygen in the blood.

Zhania Rubens

This perennial chalk algae is very ancient, looking like a pink-purple pom-pom. Algae is replete with useful elements - 25% proteins, 68% polysaccharides, amino acids. In addition, it has an incredible ability to bind oligoelements with minerals found in sea water (Zhania is 20,000 - 40,000 times richer in trace elements and marine oligoelements than sea water). Remineralization and ultra-hydration make it one of the most effective natural ingredients in the marine world. Zhania Rubens extract protects the skin from harmful environmental consequences, maintains maximum moisture levels, has anti-aging properties - increases skin elasticity, gives a lifting effect and slows down the aging process of the skin.

Coralline algae are red algae. They differ from all others in that their thalli are impregnated with lime, and they are often confused with corals. Due to its moisturizing properties, as well as the fact that coralline promotes detoxification, it is often found in cosmetic formulas.
This unique algae contains three elements of so-called marine enzymes, epidermal growth factor, fucans and valuable trace elements. The active substances isolated from the coralline thallus help normalize blood circulation and utilize excess subcutaneous fat - thanks to these properties, coralline has become an indispensable component of anti-cellulite cosmetics and figure correction products.
Coralline extract is a safe, non-toxic, non-carcinogenic and non-comedogenic component.
As part of cosmetic products, coralline helps reduce inflammation, increase density and improve the structure of the epidermis, normalizes blood microcirculation and cellular oxygenation. Being a natural UV filter, the component acts as a smoothing, stretch mark removal, regenerating, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic and gentle skin whitening agent.

Chondrus curly

This plant is a true biological stoic that can grow directly on rocks. It belongs to the Hygartine family, and its name is translated from Latin as “curly cartilage” (Chondrus crispus). Another name is Irish moss.
In addition to the vitality formula, Irish moss contains about 70% pectin substances (carrageenans) and mucopolysaccharides, which are actively involved in the hydration of the intercellular substance. In addition to iodine, the drug is rich in salts of other halogens (bromine, chlorine), calcium carbonate, selenium and sulfur.
In cosmetic practice, Irish moss is the primary means of regeneration. It stops stress reactions, acts as an iodine donor for cells, eliminating dullness and sagging skin, stimulates metabolism, activates the synthesis of protective proteins, increases elasticity and hydration of the epidermis and dermis.

We can talk endlessly about the riches of the sea, and in this article we have only lightly touched on the diversity of algae.
To be continued…

Algae are real treasure chests of usefulness. Therefore, they are actively used in the cosmetic world - in creams and face masks, body wraps, anti-cellulite cosmetics, bath and shower products. If you don't already use algae-based cosmetics, spring is the time to start. Why? Read this post.

In it we will tell you what algae are, what their main feature is, the properties and characteristics of different types of algae, who they are suitable for, and who should refrain from using them.

The main feature of algae

Algae live in seas and oceans. Like sponges, they absorb nutrients from sea water - minerals, vitamins and trace elements.

The mineral composition of algae is as close as possible to the composition of human blood plasma. Therefore, they are very physiological (related) to the body. No other component has such properties. The body accepts algae as “its own”; they are naturally integrated into physiological processes. Therefore, all the benefits from algae are absorbed as completely as possible, and the risk of negative reactions during use is minimized.

Composition of seaweed

Algae is extremely rich in benefits. They contain:

  1. alginic acid and its salts (alginates) - binds and removes waste and toxins from the body, perfectly moisturizes and heals;
  2. amino acids - participate in all cellular processes, help absorb vitamins and minerals, and are part of the skin’s natural moisturizing factor;
  3. proteins and lipids - how bricks build cells;
  4. calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, silica - building material of cells, helpers of proteins and lipids;
  5. zinc, nickel, copper, iron, strontium, boron, bromine - are part of vital enzymes and hormones;
  6. vitamins A, C, D, E, F, K, PP and all B vitamins.

Properties of seaweed

What are the benefits of seaweed? No component used in cosmetics has as many cool properties as algae. All of them:

  1. restore and maintain general and local immunity;
  2. remove waste and toxins, have a powerful detox effect;
  3. saturate with vitamins and minerals;
  4. improve microcirculation;
  5. stimulate lymphatic drainage;
  6. remove excess fluid;
  7. relieve swelling;
  8. break down fats;
  9. actively fight cellulite;
  10. tighten the skin and have a pronounced lifting effect;
  11. increase the tone, elasticity, firmness and turgor of the skin;
  12. moisturize, soften, nourish;
  13. regenerate;
  14. soothe and relieve inflammation.

In addition, each algae has its own hobby.

Types of seaweed

Just imagine - more than 25,000 species of algae live in the seas and oceans. However, only 40 are used in cosmetics. In this post we will talk about the most popular of them.

So, what types of algae are there?

Brown algae

Brown algae contains a high concentration of iodine. They perfectly remove toxins and waste, have a lymphatic drainage effect, actively fight cellulite, moisturize and tighten the skin. That's why brown algae are the main characters of anti-cellulite creams and body wraps for weight loss.


How it happens. Fucus thalli vary greatly in size and can be from 15 to 150 cm in length.

Where he lives. In shallow waters in the cold waters of the White, Barents, Baltic, Mediterranean seas and the Atlantic.

Properties. Contains alginic acid and fucoidan polysaccharide. They remove waste and toxins from the body, strengthen the immune system and perfectly moisturize.

Horse. Fucus is the most powerful lipolytic. It improves microcirculation, targets the beta receptors of acipocytes and starts the process of lipolysis (breakdown of fats). It also has a powerful lifting effect.

Suitable for whom? A must-have in the fight against cellulite, sagging skin that has lost turgor (especially after severe weight loss).

Who to look for on the label: fucus, bladderwrack, fucus, sea oak, wrack, rockweed, kelp.


Which happens. Kelp is also called seaweed. Its thalli reach up to 35 cm in width and up to 120 cm in length.

Where he lives. At depth in the cold waters of the White, Baltic, Barents Seas, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Properties. Laminaria is an excellent antiseptic and a champion in iodine content. Thanks to it, it reduces blood viscosity and cleanses blood vessels. Kelp also contains a high concentration of phytohormones and polysaccharides. They effectively moisturize the skin and fight aging.

Horse. Actively moisturizes, gives skin elasticity and firmness. Has a pronounced anti-age effect.

Suitable for whom? To moisturize dry, dehydrated skin. To restore skin elasticity and firmness, especially after weight loss and in complex anti-age care.

What to look for on the label: kelp, laminaria, macrocystis, deep-see tangle, kelp.


How it happens. Ascophyllum thalli reach 150 cm in length.

Where he lives. On rocks in shallow water in the cold seas of Asia, Europe and America.

Properties. Rich in microelements, amino acids and plant mucus, therefore perfectly moisturizes the skin. Contains a high concentration of saturated omega-2 fatty acids. Thanks to them, it restores the structure of collagen fibers and gives the skin elasticity. Ascophyllum also removes heavy metal salts from the body.

Horse. Ascophyllum is a great humectant, replenishes moisture reserves, increases skin elasticity and turgor.

Suitable for whom? Dehydrated, tone-deprived, sagging and aging skin.

What to look for on the label: ascophyllum, ascophillum, ascophillum nodosum, ascophillum algae, rockweep, kelp.

Red algae

Red algae live on rocks, reefs and boulders in salt and fresh water. They contain high concentrations of calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins, proteins and fatty acids. Thanks to its composition Red algae is used in skin renewal products.


Which happens. Lithothamnia is a small algae only 2-3 cm long.

Where he lives. At the bottom in the warm waters of the southern seas.

Properties. Lithothamnia thalli are impregnated with lime; it is an invaluable storehouse of calcium, magnesium and chromium. The symbiosis of these substances actively replenishes moisture in the dermis. And calcium in lithothamnia has a relaxing effect, relieves spasms and tension.

Horse. Perfectly moisturizes, regenerates, saturates the skin with minerals.

Suitable for whom? Dehydrated, dry, tired, weakened skin. For relaxing and remineralizing programs.

What to look for on the label: lithothamnium, lithothamnium, lithothamnion, lithothamnium.


Which happens. Reaches 100 cm in length.

Where he lives. In the Black and Mediterranean Seas.

Properties. Porphyra is rich in protein, fatty acids and beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, D B1, B2, B12. Thanks to them, it perfectly moisturizes, nourishes, softens the skin, and strengthens antioxidant protection. Porphyra is also a champion in vitamin C content. Therefore, it effectively stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and brightens the skin.

Horse. Anti-age and antioxidant protection.

Suitable for whom? Aging skin, skin with the first signs of aging, weakened, tired skin, stressed skin, city residents, smokers.

What to look for on the label: porphyra, slack, red laver.

Blue-green algae

Blue-green algae are the oldest plants on earth. They contain a high concentration of iron, amino acids, B vitamins, beta-carotene and antioxidants. Thanks to them, they improve microcirculation and metabolic processes, strengthen the skin's protective system.


Which happens. Micro-algae, no more than half a millimeter long.

Where he lives. Spirulina is native to Lake Chad in Africa. It does not like salt water, so it can be bred in freshwater backwaters.

Properties. Contains a cocktail of two thousand active ingredients. They saturate the skin with nutrients, heal, tone, tighten, strengthen, activate the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Spirulina is also a powerful antioxidant. It fights premature aging and has a pronounced lifting effect.

Horse. Spirulina has never been mutated. It actively adsorbs and removes waste, toxins, heavy metal salts and other “garbage” from the body. Improves metabolism, helps break down fats.

Suitable for whom? Weak, tired, aging skin, skin with the first signs of aging, stressed skin, city residents, smokers. For detox programs and figure correction programs.

What to look for on the label: spirulina, spirulina, spirulina platensis, arthrospira platensis, arthrospira maxima.


How it happens. Codium is a single-celled algae up to 30 cm long.

Where he lives. On the border of sea and land in the ebb and flow zone.

Properties. Kodium is rich in polysaccharides and vitamin C. Therefore, it perfectly moisturizes, brightens, and stimulates the synthesis of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid. Codium fights inflammation, prevents the formation of blood clots and improves immunity.

Horse. To survive in constantly changing conditions, codium has learned to produce substances that regulate moisture loss. Therefore, it is effectively used in moisturizing lines.

Suitable for whom? Aged, tired, dry, dehydrated skin, skin with the first signs of aging, stressed skin, city residents, smokers and after prolonged exposure to the sun.

What to look for on the label: codium, codium, codium vermilara, codium stackh, algae codium tomentosum.


What are they? These single-celled microscopic crumbs occupy a separate place in the algal community.

Where live. In fresh and sea waters.

Properties. Their cell is surrounded by a shell of silica, a source of magnesium, iron and organic silicon. Silicon perfectly stimulates fibroblasts.

Horse. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

Who is it suitable for? Aged, dehydrated, dry skin and skin with the first signs of aging.

What to look for on the label: diatoms, diatomaceous earth, kilzeguhr, diatoms, diatomeaes, bacillariophyceae.

Who needs seaweed?

Look for algae in cosmetics for:

  1. cellulite;
  2. extra pounds;
  3. stretch marks;
  4. saggy, stretched skin after losing weight;
  5. dehydrated and dry skin;
  6. loss of tone, elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  7. wrinkles;
  8. tired, dull skin;
  9. uneven complexion.

Algae is an excellent option for remineralizing, renewing, and detox programs. And if you smoke and live in a metropolis, algae is your must-have.

For whom seaweed may not be suitable. Contraindications

Despite all the coolness of algae, they also have contraindications. This is due to the large amount of iodine in the composition. Use seaweed with caution only after consulting a doctor if:

  1. diseases of the thyroid gland and kidneys;
  2. pregnancy and lactation;
  3. exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  4. infectious diseases (ARVI, tonsillitis);
  5. acute skin inflammations;
  6. allergies to iodine and iodine-containing products.

Briefly about the main thing

Algae is a very physiological (related) product for the skin. Their composition is as close as possible to the composition of human blood plasma. This makes algae an inexhaustible source of benefits and minimizes the risk of negative reactions.

Algae are brown, red and blue-green. About 40 types of algae are used in cosmetics. They are used for salon procedures and included in cosmetics for the face and body.

Algae solve many skin problems and have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, but there are also contraindications.

The best choice:

  1. At cellulite and extra pounds - fucus.
  2. For lifting - fucus.
  3. For tone and elasticity - kelp, ascophyllum, porphyra.
  4. At dehydrated, dry skin - kelp, ascophyllum, litothamnia, codium.
  5. At tired, dull leather - porphyry, codium.
  6. At age skin - kelp, ascophyllum, porphyra, spirulina, codium, diatoms.
  7. For detox programs - spirulina.

Do you use cosmetics with algae? Share in the comments.