Cosmetology for the face after 50 years

Many women are interested in facial rejuvenation after 50 years without surgical operations, which require lengthy preparation and rehabilitation. Among cosmetic procedures, there are many products for instant lifting, moisturizing, and cleansing mature skin. The beauty salon will provide painless and safe restoration of the oval shape, smooth out wrinkles, and remove pigmentation. To better maintain your beauty, do not forget about home care using masks made from natural ingredients.

How does the skin of women over 50 change?

Many women experience menopause at the age of 50, which has a detrimental effect on their health. Hormonal imbalance, during which the production of female sex hormones decreases, provokes rapid aging. Lack of estrogen disrupts metabolic processes in the body.

Due to metabolic disorders, blood circulation worsens. The skin receives the necessary vitamins and microelements to a lesser extent. After 50, the natural production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity and hydration of the dermis, sharply decreases. As a result, a woman may face the following problems:

  1. dryness, flaking;
  2. drooping eyelids, jowls;
  3. pronounced nasolabial folds;
  4. dark spots;
  5. thinning lips;
  6. oval changes.

Important! The top layer of mature skin dies faster due to dehydration. Without proper care, epidermal cells form a dense crust through which moisture and oxygen do not flow. Therefore, women are recommended to regularly exfoliate, cleanse, and moisturize. When home care becomes insufficient, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist.

Rules for facial care in middle age

To maintain beauty and youth for a long time, a woman needs to adhere to the right lifestyle. Eat nutritiously, drink enough water, give up bad habits. It is also not recommended to sunbathe without using protective cream.

To preserve your beauty or rejuvenate your face after 50 years, use the basic rules of care:

  1. Don't forget to cleanse your skin of impurities every day. Use foam or gel cleanser for mature dermis. Avoid tonics and alcohol-based lotions.
  2. Use anti-aging cosmetics for your face. Apply a moisturizing cream every morning and a nourishing cream before bed. The daytime product should have UV protection.
  3. Once a week it is necessary to cleanse the dermis of dead epithelial cells. To do this, use masks, scrubs, peeling rolls.
  4. While applying care products, massage, and do facial exercises every morning.
  5. For women over 50, hormonal creams with estrogen and progesterone are suitable.
  6. Regularly make homemade nourishing masks based on natural products.

Visit a cosmetologist for professional cleansing and facial peeling. The beauty salon also offers a variety of injection and non-injection rejuvenation techniques.

Non-surgical rejuvenation methods

To lose 10-15 years by smoothing out wrinkles, you don’t have to consult a plastic surgeon. Any facial rejuvenation procedures are carried out at the age of 50 with the aim of improving not only the upper layer of the dermis, but also the deeper layers. Using injections, masks, and hardware techniques, the skin is saturated with moisture, oxygen, and collagen production is stimulated.

Injection methods

Injection rejuvenation methods are suitable for eliminating wrinkles of any depth, tightening oval shapes, and correcting lips that have lost volume and shape over time. Gel compositions based on hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and beneficial microelements are injected under the skin using a thin needle. The client immediately receives a smooth, even dermis.

Injections for rejuvenation

In a beauty salon, a woman can be offered the following types of non-surgical techniques for rejuvenation: biorevitalization, injections of hyaluronic acid or Botox, contouring. Injections are given directly into problem areas and wrinkle folds. The contour is evened out by adding volume to aging skin. In addition to the external effect, the dermis is saturated with useful microelements at a deep level, improves metabolism, and restores normal collagen production.

Mesotherapy at 50 years old

Mesotherapy is carried out not only for beauty, but also for health. Women give injections with biologically active substances: biostimulants, vitamin cocktails, hyaluronic acid with herbal components. Due to the deep administration of the drug, improved blood circulation is achieved, the tone is evened out, and dryness and flabbiness are eliminated. To rejuvenate after 50 years, you need to undergo 8-10 sessions; to maintain the effect, the procedure is carried out every 6-8 months.

Hardware methods

Hardware facial rejuvenation is offered after 50 years to women who have just encountered the initial signs of aging. Using current, laser, radio waves, and light, the cosmetologist painlessly cleanses the skin of the top layer of dead cells. Also, after the procedure, accelerated metabolism starts and facial tone improves.

Laser rejuvenation

When used correctly, a laser can rejuvenate, smooth out wrinkles, fight excessive sebum production, remove pigmentation and scars. During the procedure, the upper layer of the dermis is split, and the production of new cells is stimulated. The skin begins to breathe, fills with oxygen and moisture, and beneficial microelements from creams and masks are better absorbed and absorbed.

Radio lifting, thermage

Using radio frequency waves, you can eliminate shallow wrinkles in the eyes, forehead, and lips. During Thermage, the upper layers of the dermis are heated, which provokes increased production of new collagen cells. As a result, immediately after the procedure, the skin becomes moisturized, elastic, and smooth. With minor age-related changes, it is enough for a woman to undergo one session every two years.

How radio lifting is carried out, watch the video:

Facial photorejuvenation

Photorejuvenation is carried out using high-frequency light. Under the influence of impulses, the skin warms up at any depth. This cosmetic procedure after 50 years is carried out to eliminate wrinkles, restore elasticity, improve regeneration and metabolic processes. With the help of photo flashes it is possible to remove age-related pigmentation and post-acne.

Thread lift

Depending on the degree of manifestation of age-related changes, self-absorbable or non-absorbable threads are used. They are installed under the skin along massage lines. The artificial frame improves the oval, eliminates ptosis, and renews the deep structures of the dermis. Thread material: platinum, gold, caprolactone, polypropylene, lactic acid.

Threads effectively tighten the face after 50-60 years. Effect of the procedure:

  1. elimination of wrinkles on the forehead and temples;
  2. raising drooping corners of the eyelids;
  3. elimination of jowls, double chin.

The effect of the threads is noticeable immediately, but after 2 months a complete facelift is achieved. The result of the procedure lasts from 2 to 6 years. At the same time, there is the possibility of periodic correction and tightening of the installed frame.

Ozone rejuvenation at 50 years old

One of the newest techniques for facial rejuvenation after 50 years is ozone therapy. During the procedure, an ozone-oxygen liquid mixture is injected under the skin. Thanks to the procedure, blood flow and metabolism in cells improves. Immediately after the procedure, complexion improves, tone increases, and fine wrinkles smooth out. Thanks to ozone, toxins and waste accumulated in the skin structures are removed from the body. The course lasts from 2 to 3 weeks.

Cosmetology products

Cosmetic products for facial skin rejuvenation are used in the salon or at home. A woman over 50 must moisturize, tone, nourish, and cleanse her dermis. Care cosmetics should contain collagen, essential oils, amino acids, proteins, vitamins, and microelements in large quantities. Also, do not forget about regular massage and gymnastics to improve the tone of the facial muscles.

Anti-aging masks

When choosing anti-aging masks, focus on anti-aging cosmetics labeled 50+. You should not skimp on products, as mature skin is more sensitive to aggressive components. The most popular masks that can be purchased in specialized stores:

  1. Russian mask Collamask. The product effectively tightens, moisturizes, and protects the dermis from dehydration. Contains natural ingredients: collagen, amino acids, blue clay, essential and vegetable oils.
  2. American serum Bonatox. The product directly affects the muscles that form wrinkles, relaxing them. Ingredients: melatonin, synthetic poison, coenzyme Q10, wild yam, proteins of natural origin.

Homemade mask recipe: Take 5 g of gelatin, steam it in cold water. If you have dry skin, add 10 g of butter, 2 tablespoons of milk, 3-5 drops of essential oil. For oily dermis, add 1 teaspoon of aloe juice, 50 ml of cucumber juice, 10 g of black clay.

At home, cosmetologists recommend making natural masks 2 times a week. They must be applied after cleansing and steaming the face. Exposure time is 20-30 minutes.

Facial massage and gymnastics

Massage should be done regularly after 25-30 years. Years later, you will notice that you look 10-15 years younger than your peers. It is best to carry it out during morning procedures. Apply moisturizer from the center of the face towards the hair growth, smoothing wrinkles and lifting eyebrows.

Currently, several popular anti-aging techniques have been developed aimed at training the facial muscles:

  1. Facebuilding - during gymnastics, a new oval of the face is built, it is possible to get rid of drooping eyelids, double chin, jowls, and slightly reduce the nose.
  2. Face forming – during gymnastics it is necessary to target the muscles, breathe correctly, getting rid of stress and negativity.
  3. Facercise - exercises are aimed at smoothing wrinkles, toning and even correcting facial features.

It is also recommended to familiarize yourself with the principles of Chinese massage, the Japanese Shiatsu technique and Asahi Zogan. During the procedure, you should not stretch, pinch, or hit your face too much. All exercises must be done carefully and safely.

Watch the video for a set of exercises that strengthen your facial muscles:


To rejuvenate your face after 50, you need to choose a whole range of procedures aimed at moisturizing and protecting aging skin. Modern cosmetological techniques allow you to lose 10-15 years without surgery. In addition to the procedures offered in beauty salons, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and do not forget about daily care.

After 50 years, a woman’s body begins to change, which directly affects the condition of the skin: it becomes thin and dry. In addition, the fat layer on the face and neck decreases, which leads to dryness. The structure of collagen and the amount of hyaluronic acid change, causing the skin to begin to sag. After 50 years, skin recovers much more slowly and is less saturated with nutrients and oxygen.

Cosmetologists, taking into account the characteristics of mature skin, offer women effective facelift methods without surgery. In this case, the skin is practically not damaged, the body's resources are mobilized and the aging process slows down. But not all women over 50 are allowed anti-aging procedures.

Indications and contraindications for facelift are presented in the table.

Indications Contraindications
  1. 1. New, more expressive and deeper wrinkles appear.
  2. 2. Pigment spots are very noticeable.
  3. 3. The contour of the face is not as pronounced as before.
  4. 4. The skin has lost its elasticity, the eyelids droop and hang over the eyes
  1. 1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. 2. Oncology.
  3. 3. Hypertension.
  4. 4. Bleeding disorder

It is not recommended to carry out procedures during pregnancy, herpes, or skin inflammation.

The most effective methods of facelift after 50 years without surgery, performed in a salon, include:

  1. laser rejuvenation;
  2. thread lift;
  3. mesotherapy;
  4. thermage;
  5. biorevitalization with the introduction of hyaluronic acid;
  6. masks: nourishing, moisturizing.

Such methods of skin rejuvenation cause minimal trauma to the facial skin. Thanks to the procedures, you can get rid of wrinkles more than 5 mm deep. The rehabilitation period lasts 3–5 days.

After 50 years do not recommend:

  1. mechanical grinding of the face;
  2. ablative photothermolysis, which is performed with a laser;
  3. chemical peeling.

Such procedures for facial rejuvenation and achieving beauty are effective, but they seriously injure the skin. In a patient with fine wrinkles, the epidermis recovers in 2–3 weeks. The rehabilitation period for mature women is 1 month.

All normal people want to stay young as long as possible and preserve their natural beauty. When we are young, it seems that what nature has laid down will not go away and will be with us forever. After 50 years, the skin becomes drier and skin defects appear. Neither a scrub, nor a moisturizer, nor decorative cosmetics can cope with these changes. Beauty injections come to the rescue after 50 years. What beauty injections are best after 50 years, what are their advantages and disadvantages?

Indications for injections

Before getting beauty injections, you should look in the mirror, weighing the pros and cons. These methods should be used if:

  1. the skin fades due to insufficient collagen production;
  2. its color fades;
  3. redness occurs;
  4. rashes begin;
  5. the contour of the face loses clarity;
  6. wrinkles became deeper;
  7. spots of pigment appeared on the skin;
  8. there is a change in the shape of the eyelids;
  9. cheeks sag.

For several years you can maintain your beauty with visits to a cosmetologist and expensive anti-aging cosmetics, but such measures will only temporarily delay aging.

Main types of injections

Most often, Botox and injections of hyaluronic and polylactic acids are used to rejuvenate facial skin. A qualified cosmetologist can help you with your choice. He will assess the condition of the skin and make his verdict.

Botulinum toxin

The procedure involves injecting a substance under the skin that blocks the nerves and helps the muscles remain motionless. This substance (Botox) is a neuroparalytic poison that relaxes muscles.

Initially, this medicine was used to treat diseases of the nervous system. There are several drugs based on poison: Xeomin, Dysport and Botox. They differ in substance concentration and molecular weight. Therefore, Xeomin is used for fine wrinkles, and other drugs for deep folds.

Injection under the skin is carried out with a very thin needle. The facial skin is first treated with an antiseptic solution. In too sensitive areas it is anesthetized with lidocaine. The procedure itself is completed in 20–30 minutes. After the procedure, the woman immediately returns to her usual lifestyle. There are no hematomas or bruises left on the face after the injections. After administration of the active substance, the facial muscles relax and facial wrinkles disappear.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  1. limiting facial expressions immediately after the procedure;
  2. migraine;
  3. swelling;
  4. spasms of the muscles located near the eyes;
  5. discomfort with rapid administration of the drug;
  6. likelihood of intoxication.

Who is this procedure recommended for?

Women over fifty years old with pronounced wrinkles. Botox is done in the forehead, eyebrows, eyes, etc. The result lasts from 6 to 9 months, then the injections are repeated.


Botox should not be given to patients during menstruation; if they have herpes on their lips. It is prohibited to carry out the procedure during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is not given to persons under 18 years of age; people who are being treated with antibiotics. Injections should not be given after injuries, in case of allergic reactions to the drug, or in patients with diseases of the blood or internal organs. Botox is not recommended for people suffering from alcohol addiction.

Preparing the patient for the procedure

The doctor recommends stopping certain types of medications (antibiotics, hormonal drugs). 2-3 days before the procedure, a person stops playing sports and fitness, and on the day of Botox, minimizes all stress on the muscles. If blood circulation in the facial area is intense, then asymmetrical distribution of the drug is possible.

Stages of implementation

Before the injections begin, the skin is disinfected and local anesthesia is given. The doctor gives the injections on an outpatient basis; before the injections, markings are applied to the patient’s face. The patient should be aware that injections into the forehead can provoke a migraine. Usually the course is up to 5 injections in 30 days. The product is administered in small batches to make it easier for the doctor to control the process.

The qualifications of the doctor are important, because the injections are made with poison. The more experience the person performing the procedure, the less likely there are complications.

Hyaluron injections

Beauty injections for the face after 50 years with hyaluronic acid are justified. This substance is close in indicators to the biological fluids of every person. It retains moisture in the skin by connecting elastin and collagen fibers. With age, the amount of acid in tissues decreases, and injections help achieve the desired balance.

The acid that is used for youth injections has been synthesized. But at the molecular level it is identical to the biological substance found in our body. The most common drugs of this line: Juvederm, Restylane. Methods of injection under the skin may vary.

Pros: quick results; reduction of skin rashes; disappearance of age spots; clear facial contour; the procedure does not require much time.

Basic procedures:

  1. the use of mesotherapy, including for hair;
  2. application of bioreinforcement;
  3. saturation of the skin with acid using the revitalization method.


The procedure is carried out using a mesoscooter. The skin is treated with a special solution and a mesoscooter is “passed” over it. Hyaluronic acid is applied to the device.

The woman undergoes several mesotherapy sessions. The duration of the course is calculated by the doctor. The effect lasts for several months, after which the procedure must be repeated.


The introduction is made with a thin needle, not pointwise, but in large quantities at once. The effect is observed immediately. After 10–14 days, the skin begins to regenerate collagen and elastin on its own.

The procedure stimulates the natural processes of fiber production, and the facial skin becomes more elastic and youthful. The effectiveness of the procedure is observed for 18 months.

Why are injections given with hyaluronic acid? This substance has few contraindications. In addition, when it enters the cells, it attracts an amount of weight that exceeds its own weight by a thousand times. The acid, sharply increasing in volume, helps smooth the skin, and after entering the tissue it breaks down, helping to synthesize collagen and elastin. The substance is effective for hormonal changes in the female body that occur after fifty years. How does the substance work?

  1. The volume of substance inside the cell becomes larger, due to which wrinkles are smoothed out.
  2. The intercellular fluid becomes liquid, which facilitates its passage through cell membranes. Tissue nutrition improves.
  3. The appearance of the skin improves: texture, relief, elasticity and firmness increase.

Complications after biorevitalization

The patient should carefully select a specialist for the procedures. Due to low qualifications, the risk of complications increases. What are the consequences after the sessions? Swelling, pain at the puncture site, bruises, tissue numbness, necrosis. In addition, the consequences are expressed by the penetration of the substance above the skin, allergies, compactions and granulomas.


This is the process of introducing special fillers under the skin with needles. Result: tightened skin, clear oval face, correction of desired areas. Over time, fillers dissolve. The effect lasts up to 6 months.

Advantages of the procedure: local anesthesia, low likelihood of rejection, does not spoil natural facial expressions. Cons: swelling after the procedure, pain after injections, bruises.


Injections using the plasma lifting method improve the appearance of the skin. This is a non-surgical method of rejuvenation using the patient’s own plasma. A little blood is taken from a person and processed using a special method to extract plasma from it. Plasma is injected under the skin, causing a natural rejuvenation process.

By activating stem cells, it helps get rid of skin problems after smoking, dull complexion, eliminate expression wrinkles, and even out the water-salt balance.

To obtain a lasting result, it is recommended to do 5-6 injections. The first results appear after 10 days. The effect lasts up to 2 years; if a woman watches her diet and visits a cosmetologist, the result can reach five years. For less painless rejuvenation, radiolifting is also recommended.

  1. Advantages of the technique: absence of allergic reactions and rejection, long-lasting effect.
  2. Disadvantages: high cost, pain when injected under the skin, the result is not immediately visible.


The procedure is not performed during pregnancy or any viral or infectious diseases. It is prohibited for patients with oncology and the possible occurrence of cancer. Plasmolifting is not performed on patients who have taken blood-thinning medications; suffer from AIDS or hepatitis.

Ozone rejuvenation

The procedure is based on the introduction of a mixture of ozone and oxygen under the skin. After them, tissue nutrition improves, blood flow increases, and the immune system becomes stronger.

Injections are recommended for women whose face has deep wrinkles, rashes, acne and pimples. Indications for this include sagging skin, enlarged facial pores, peeling, pigment spots, and the presence of scars.

Stages of implementation

The cosmetic procedure is divided into several stages.

  1. The patient undergoes tests.
  2. Consultation with a doctor: determination of the concentration of the substance, duration of procedures, number of sessions, choice of method of administration.
  3. Anesthesia cream. The procedure is painful.
  4. Exposure to ozone. Most often these are microneedle injections. For the procedure, gas is synthesized at the site of administration, mixing it with saline solution (blood) and antioxidants. The mixture is applied to problem areas.
  5. The doctor massages the facial tissues to ensure even distribution.
  6. Session duration: 20 minutes, the number of procedures is set individually.

Exposure to polylactic acid

This is a series of procedures performed by a synthetic substance. The use of the substance improves the process of production of collagen fibers. The most common medicine is Sculpture. This is a filler that decomposes under the skin, helping to improve collagen production.

The administration of the drug helps smooth out wrinkles. Then the filler begins the process of resorption with the release of polylactic acid under the skin. The wrinkle forms again and is gradually filled with the resulting collagen.

The wrinkle is filled with a natural frame. The results last up to 24 months. Then the course of injections is repeated. The procedure is similar to hyaluronic acid injections. Session duration: 20 minutes. After the injections, lumps under the skin remain at the site of exposure and dissolve. On average, a patient undergoes 3 procedures over a month and a half.

At the site of treatment, lymph flow improves and cell regeneration accelerates. Slags and toxins are removed from the body. The face becomes fresh. The procedure cannot be performed if there are inflammatory processes in the body or herpes. It is not done during pregnancy and lactation.