
A bone support is an instrument that is used in surgery to hold bones in place during operations. It is a powerful clamp that allows you to securely hold the bones in the desired position.

The bone support is an important tool for surgeons who perform bone operations. It allows you to fix the bone in the desired position, which ensures the accuracy and safety of the operation. In addition, a bone support can be used to secure the soft tissue around the bone, which helps prevent it from moving during surgery.

There are several types of bone holders, each of which is designed to perform specific operations. For example, a bone holder with a screw clamp is used to secure long bones such as the femur or humerus. A bone holder with a lock is used to fix short bones, such as the phalanges of the fingers.

Before using a bone support, the surgeon must carefully study the anatomy of the bone and select the appropriate type of bone support. Once a bone support has been selected, it must be positioned correctly on the bone to ensure a secure fit.

After installing the bone support on the bone, the surgeon can begin the operation. The bone holder allows the surgeon to work with bone more accurately and safely, which reduces the risk of complications and improves surgical results.