Kovarsky Method

The Kovarsky method is a method developed by Soviet pharmacologists A. O. Kovarsky (1872-1941). This method allows you to determine the concentration of a drug in the patient's blood.

The method is based on measuring the concentration of a drug in the patient's blood plasma using a special device - a chromatograph. This device allows you to separate blood components into separate fractions and determine the concentration of each component.

The Kovar method is widely used in medicine to diagnose various diseases and monitor the effectiveness of treatment. It allows you to quickly and accurately determine the concentration of a drug in the blood, which allows the doctor to make the right decisions about the dosage and duration of treatment.

However, like any other diagnostic method, the Kovarsky method has its limitations and disadvantages. For example, it is not always accurate in determining the concentration of certain medications, such as hormones or vitamins. Also, to obtain accurate results, it is necessary to properly prepare the blood sample and conduct the analysis in accordance with the instructions.

Overall, the Kovarsky method is an important tool in medicine and allows doctors to treat patients more accurately and effectively.

The Kowarsky test for determining the amount of saliva in a person's mouth (also known as the Kowarsky test or rapid swallow test) is a simple and reliable method of assessing salivary flow and is used to diagnose salivary secretion disorders.

The author of the method is Alexander Osipovich Kovarsky, who developed it in the 19th century. He was a Russian pharmacist and doctor who worked at Moscow University. Kovarsky noticed that the speed of movement of a bolus of food into the oral cavity is interconnected with the amount of saliva secreted by the body.

The essence of the method is to determine the speed at which a bolus of food passes through the oral cavity and enters the stomach. For this purpose, special devices are used, for example, a gastroglottometer, the sensor of which is attached to the patient’s esophagus. This allows you to obtain information about the amount of saliva and the rate of its secretion, which can be used to diagnose various diseases associated with salivary insufficiency.

Despite its simplicity and accessibility, the Kovar method has high accuracy and