Scalp Folded

Folded scalp is a rare hereditary disease that manifests itself due to incorrect formation of the structures of the dermis of the skin during its development (embryonic period). This type of pathology is characterized by the formation of folds and wrinkles on the scalp, which greatly affects the appearance of a person. In this text we will look at the causes of the disease, signs of folded scalp and methods of treating this disease.

The scalp is considered a unique organ of the human body, as it performs two very important functions: protection of the body and aesthetic appeal. Having a layered structure, the upper skin tissue protects our body from negative environmental influences: mechanical, chemical and others. The skin in the scalp area contains many vital organs, such as the liver and kidneys. During fetal development, most structures begin to form during the third trimester of pregnancy. These include the dermal layers of the epidermis. Sometimes at this stage in the process of formation of normal dermis, defects or errors develop that can lead to the appearance of skin folds. If at least one parent in the family suffered from a similar disease, then the likelihood of having a child with this disease increases by 2 times. The formation of folds on the scalp can be a consequence of a defect such as pachydermization - thickening of the skin. There are several forms of this disease: folding (pachychyly), hyperplasia and sebaceous epithelioma, but the most common form of folding or folded pachyderma occurs in patients. This pathology is characterized by the following symptoms: - significant thickening of the skin layers of the hair on the neck, upper back, and back of the head; - presence of large skin folds; - nodular thickenings of the skin, sometimes convex or mushroom-shaped formations.