Goose Flesh

Goose bumps are a reaction of the skin to cold or a feeling of fear experienced by a person. At the same time, the walls of the blood vessels and the myocytes attached to the hair follicles contract, causing the hair to rise: as a result, the skin in appearance resembles the skin of a plucked goose.

This skin condition usually occurs when a person is in a stressful situation or experiences a sudden cold snap. Contraction of the muscles attached to the hair follicles causes the hairs to stand on end. This is an instinctive reaction of the body aimed at maintaining heat and protecting from danger.

Although in the modern world "goose bumps" usually have no practical use, they still remain an echo of the ancient instincts inherent in humans during the process of evolution.

Goose bumps are a reaction of human skin to cold or fear. When a person experiences extreme fear, their blood vessels contract and their muscles contract. As a result, the skin begins to resemble goose skin as the hair on the skin rises and the skin itself becomes lighter. This reaction can be caused by both physiological and psychological reasons.

Goose bumps can occur in people of different ages and genders. However, it most often occurs in children and adolescents who experience severe fear or anxiety. This reaction is due to the fact that the skin is one of the first organs to respond to stress and fear.

To avoid the appearance of goose bumps, you need to avoid stressful situations and learn to manage your emotions. You can also use special relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation.

Article "Goose-Flesh"

Goose Flush skin is nothing more than our body’s natural reaction to stress or physical discomfort. When we experience stress, our body reacts to it, including the muscles in our body tightening and blood vessels contracting. The result of this reaction is the appearance of the skin, which can be compared to the skin of a plucked goose or broiler.

When a person experiences cold air, such as when exposed to cold or in a cold room, the contraction of the blood vessel walls causes the capillaries and subcutaneous vessels to dilate, resulting in redness of the skin and the appearance of crow's feet on the skin. This process is called goose bumps. A similar effect can be observed when experiencing fear - when the blood begins to circulate faster, the blood vessels dilate, the skin turns red and feels warm. This condition can be described as Gusinsky.

Scientifically speaking, crow's feet are caused by contraction of the smooth muscle tissue that lies beneath the surface of the skin. The contraction of this tissue leads to dilation of the capillaries, which is the cause of redness of the skin. While contractions of the myotonic fibers of the skin cause the muscles to rise, raising the hairs above the surface of the skin, making the skin look like the skin of birds.